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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Isaiah pointed these out to me today.
Oh sure. It looks peaceful now.
We need to see what we can't see.


August 17, 2020
I saw this hawk flare before landing on my neighbor’s pine.
Combining seemingly unrelated things is my jam.
The punch of emotions gets me every time.
It has been a challenging week.
At this time of year, I’m hard of hearing.
Isaiah inspires my drawing today. Yes, even these silly monkeys.
I park the car on the side of the cornfield and get out.
This, hopefully, is the start of something big.
My search for stairs has led me, appropriately, to the courthouse.
What I like best about a lily pond is the dark water.
I shouldn’t be on this path.
I only notice the bird because it is dancing.
The day dawns as I take to the lake.

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