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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Stan Gale

Stanley D. Gale (MDiv Westminster, DMin Covenant) has pastored churches in Maryland and Pennsylvania for over 30 years. He is the author of several books, including A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ and The Christian’s Creed: Embracing the Apostolic Faith. He has been married to his wife, Linda, since 1975. They have four children and ten grandchildren. He lives in West Chester, Pa.
Books by Stan Gale

Life Made Manifest

August 11, 2023

Words like manifest, testify, bear witness, declare, proclaim are all descriptive of how the message of life in Christ becomes known.

Believing is Seeing

August 04, 2023

Flesh speaks to Christ’s real and discernible humanity.

In the Beginning

July 28, 2023

To what does John point us to assure that we indeed possess life in Christ?

For Job, the process of grieving begins with acceptance, not by way of resigning himself to fate but by faith that knows and trusts the God he revered.

Job wrestles with the why of it all, not as an expression of unbelief but as an expression of faith.

The book of Job does not primarily present us with a theology of suffering as it does theology proper.

Thinking through the foolishness of preaching

The church needs to hear this blaring alarm and stop, drop, and pray. 

The following is an excerpt from The Christian's Creed: Embracing the Apostolic Faith (Reformation Heritage Books, pp. 90-96)

A Kiss Goodbye

June 30, 2023

In Christ, we who believe are part of a family.

Our sufferings now are not worth comparing to the glory that awaits us.

Peter looks to strengthen us to resist the efforts of our enemy the devil.

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