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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

A Christian Perspective on Work

All valid work can glorify God.

A Little New Year's Berry

To challenge your thinking as the New Year begins.

Can the Catholic Church Recover?

The question posed by Catholic thinkers

"City on a Hill"?

Here's a fascinating history of a badly misused idea.

A Longing for Transcendence

Anthony Doer's new novel reveals the longing of the soul.

Learn to Read All over Again

And discover why you should.

The Life of the Mind

A little help in taking every thought captive for Christ.

The Key to Revelation

Stan Gale, Re: Velation (Reformation Heritage Books, 2021).

A Christian Poet You Will Like

Matthew Brennan's superb introduction to Dana Gioia.

How Do You See Jesus?

Dane Ortlund has some suggestions.

How Evolutionists Think

A kind of optical illusion?

Absent, but Close at Hand

Is Jesus exalted in glory or with us always? Yes.

A Perspective on Writing, and Much Else

Here's a book on writing from which we can all benefit.

What's in a Name?

A wonder of insights to God.

Why Are We So WEIRD?

Joseph Henrich has some thoughts.

The Vision of Christ

John Owen's Christologia is a worthwhile read.

For Want of a Christian Worldview

Why does so much of the world act like swine?

Dedicate Your World, Make Some Beauty

Andrew Peterson challenges us to be more creative.

An Early Celtic University

Llanilltud in Wales played a significant role in the Celtic Revival.

Creation Care

Stewards of Eden would be a great book for a church to read together.

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