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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

For God So Loved

March 15, 2021

For God So Loved

John 3:14-21


The good news of God’s love broadcast in John 3:16 cannot be fully appreciated apart from the bad news represented in the word perish.

Trusting God

March 13, 2020

Three Anchors of Hope

There are times in our lives when our most deeply held values and beliefs are tested with fire. This is God’s refining (or pruning) process. With it comes genuine pain, heartache, and difficulty. Yet, ideally, the person who comes out the other side is closer to God and the likeness of Christ. It is during times like these we discover if we really believe what we say we believe.

Trusting God

March 13, 2020

Three Anchors of Hope

There are times in our lives when our most deeply held values and beliefs are tested with fire. This is God’s refining (or pruning) process. With it comes genuine pain, heartache, and difficulty. Yet, ideally, the person who comes out the other side is closer to God and the likeness of Christ. It is during times like these we discover if we really believe what we say we believe.

Loving God is the highest life anyone can live.

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