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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Little is Much

There are no small people or things in the Kingdom of God.

The Celtic Revival: Age of the Peregrini (10)

And this great favour was also conferred by God on that man of blessed memory, that, although he lived in this small and remote island of the Britannic ocean, he merited that his name should not only be illustriously renowned throughout our Ireland, and throughout Britain...but that it should reach even as far as Spain, and Gaul, and Italy...also the Roman city itself...

  - Adomnán, Life of Columba, Irish, 8th century[1]

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’”

  - Matthew 25.23

How much influence for the Kingdom of God, do you expect to wield? 

Most of us lead fairly ordinary lives. We go to work, take care of our homes and families, enjoy a few diversions, participate in church. Everyday stuff. Nothing spectacular. Mostly little stuff, really.

We’re not going to change the world. We’re just trying to do our jobs, take care of our business, get by. We’re just little people with little things to do. What more can we expect?

But as Francis Schaeffer reminded us, in the Kingdom of God there are “no little people.” A 1924 hymn by Kittie L. Suffield reminds us that “Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame. There’s a crown, and you can win it, if you go in Jesus’ Name.”

Which is exactly what Colum Cille did.

Colum Cille (Columba) served most of his adult life on Iona, a small and isolated island to the west of Scotland, only making occasional forays to the mainland to preach the Gospel to the wild peoples there. But when he was busy on Iona – teaching, working, writing, training his followers – he stayed focused on the Lord’s calling and was faithful in every matter that came his way. 

He knew that, whatever God wanted to do in and through his life, it would begin on that small, isolated chunk of wind-swept real estate, with those few disciples who had assembled themselves to him.

As it turned out, Colum’s example, exertions, and exhortations became the impetus that launched waves of missionaries and evangelists from Iona to Europe, and built-up communities of holiness and scholarship in Iona, Ireland, Scotland, and beyond. 

Now we don’t expect to be the impetus for founding monasteries or churches, or for commissioning waves of missionaries into the world. 

But if we are faithful in the things God gives us to do, looking to Him, honoring Him, and showing His grace and truth to those around us, there’s no telling what He might do far beyond us, both in place and time. 

From the “little” of our lives, “much” good for the Kingdom can come. Little is indeed much when God is in it.

Is it silly or futile to think about such things? To hope such things? I don’t think so. We should each aspire to leave a legacy of grace and truth behind us, an ever-expanding force field of Kingdom presence, promise, and power that begins in our homes, pervades our Personal Mission Fields, and makes an impact far beyond us for many years to come. 

Jesus, after all, is filling the world with Himself (Eph. 4.7-10). And how do we suppose He is doing that, if not through us, His people, and the myriad of little ways we carry out our relationships, roles, and responsibilities?

Jesus is filling all things in all things, flowing the life-giving living waters of His Word and Spirit through the likes of ordinary folk like you and me. How can we not believe that God intends “great things and mysteries” in and through us (Jer. 33.3, my translation)? How can we not nurture an expansive vision of what God can do through us, beginning from the little Ionas which are our everyday lives?

Do you dare to think or hope as much? Are you willing to seek God for it (Eph. 3.20)? We are commanded not to despise the day of small beginnings (Zech. 4.10). As Colum learned, and as Jesus promised, little is much when God is in it.

Psalm 96.1-4, 8-10 (Mit Freuden Zart: All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above)
Sing to the Lord! O, bless His Name! All nations tell His glory!
Salvation’s tidings loud proclaim; let earth rehearse His story!
For God is greatly to be praised; His throne above all gods is raised – 
Fear Him, and sing His glory!

Bring off’rings sweet to Him, our Lord, in holy garments praise Him!
Tremble before Him, all the earth; among the nations raise Him!
The earth is fixed, it will not move; the peoples will His justice prove – 
Exalt the Lord and praise Him.

Lord, my life may be little more than one little thing after another, but I trust in You to…

Personal Mission Field
You’ll be more likely to spread the love of Jesus throughout your Personal Mission Field if you have mapped out and are continuously aware of the people to whom God sends you each day. Watch this brief video, then download the Personal Mission Field worksheet, and begin building a legacy of love with the people God has put in your life.

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Our hearts overflow with gratitude for your friendship, support, and collaboration in this work. God supplies our needs as we look to Him day by day, and He may be pleased to do so, at least in part, through you. Please seek Him in prayer concerning this matter. You can use the Contribute button at the website to give with a credit card or through PayPal, or you can send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Drive, Essex Junction VT 05452.

T. M. Moore
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All psalms for singing from The Ailbe Psalter. Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[1]Anderson and Anderson, p. 233.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

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