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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Celtic Legacy

Big, but Simple

November 29, 2014
The Celtic Christian worldview was grounded in a big vision.
Bragging rights and fading fame.
The Church today needs to hear such voices as these.
How dependent are we on the Word of God?
Here's an example of the heavenly Kingdom coming to earthly expression.
Living the then and there, here and now.
Hagiography must be understood on its own terms.
Heaven on Earth Anonymous, “The Wish of Manchán of Liath”, 10th century I wish, O Son of the Living God, ancient eternal King, for a secret hut in the wilderness that it may be my dwelling. A very blue shallow well to be beside it, a clear pool for washing…
Celtic Christian leaders led highly disciplined lives together.
An ancient song provides insights to Celtic ministry.
Celtic Christians lived in the present age toward the coming one.
Brendan's life gives us keen insights to Celtic Christianity.
We must not forget those who have gone before.


December 19, 2013
Christmas means redemption and deliverance.
The King has come! Lead on, O King eternal!

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