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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Look back and remember, look ahead and believe.
God comforts His people with the promise of His Servant.
The Servant speaks of His work.
The coming Servant will bring salvation through suffering.
It may have seemed unlikely, or impossible; but God would do it.
God will never fail nor forget His people.
The Servant is coming to bring the salvation of God.
The Servant is coming, and His Word is powerful.
God knows how to care for His people.
If only God's people would listen to Him and hear His Word!
God's Word has not failed, and it will not fail.
God saves His people for His own sake.
Babylon thought she was God. God would show her otherwise.
God remains faithful, but His people must trust Him.
He is sovereign, and His Word is true.

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