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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Christ had come amongst His enemies. Should not Patrick?

Keeping Faith

December 31, 2012
Patrick continued to keep faith with the Lord.
Patrick "listened" for the Spirit's leading.
Patrick "listened" for the Spirit's leading.
God honored Patrick's faithful preaching.
Patrick went to Ireland because God called him.
Patrick knew the Word and did the work.
Patrick's life was shaped by his faith.
Patrick considered himself “poor and insignificant.”


September 8, 2012
Patrick took no credit for his labors or successes.
God was his witness, even he didn’t have a friend in the world.
Had he not proved his calling?
The call to pastoral ministry has both an inward and an outward aspect.
God was preparing the way for Patrick.
Dreams and visions are a form of general revelation.

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