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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

To Die is Gain

September 23, 2013
Patrick knew that to die for Christ is great gain. Do we?
True Christians should act like true Christians.
Grace and hope in words of judgment and warning.
Faith requires courage when savage wolves are at large in the land.
Does not love require more patience and tolerance?
Patrick understood his authority as a bishop.
Patrick wielded a two-edged sword.
Patrick is out to "clean house."
We have not seen the likes of Patrick.
How does a person learn to live this way?

God's Ambassador

February 11, 2013
Only God could recall Patrick from the field.
Patrick's conscience was clean and good.
Patrick's priorities were clear and uncompromised.
Patrick gave his life freely for the Kingdom of Christ.

Keeping Faith

January 14, 2013
The Gospel must be lived as well as proclaimed.

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