Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Disciples Making Disciples

It’s easy to get the idea that being a disciple of Jesus is a matter primarily of external commitments.

That is, if you want to follow Jesus, you have to find a church, plug into a group, join up for some ministry, or by some other external means let it be known that you are a disciple. Without invalidating that view, I want to insist that following Jesus is first of all a matter of the soul – heart, mind, and conscience. Unless we are inwardly devoted to Jesus, focused on Him, and committed to knowing and growing in Him, and doing His will, no amount of external involvements will make us true disciples. Not for very long, at any rate.

We begin this series, Disciples Making Disciples, where true discipleship must always begin – within, in the disposition and bent of our souls. Only as we focus on the calling which is ours in Christ Jesus will our discipleship have any staying power. Keep that focus, and press on in seeking Jesus, and you will be His follower all the days of your life. And you’ll help others follow Him as well.

Below, you will find the links to download the course materials.

Disciples Making Disciples, Part 1: The Christian’s Calling

Disciples Making Disciples, Part 2: You Ought to Be Teachers!

Disciples Making Disciples, Part 3: Learning Jesus

Disciples Making Disciples, Part 4: True Learning

Disciples Making Disciples, Part 5: Make Disciples