“O Lord, you awaken us to delight in your praise, for you made us for yourself, and our heart is restless, until it rests in you.”
That’s a quote from Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (A. D. 401) in his book, Confessions. He hits on something basic to being a human being. It involves a relationship with God and a restlessness without him.
That relationship is what the Bible talks about. It’s a subject that reaches to the very core of life. This little booklet traces the broad strokes of the Bible’s message. It addresses the issue of the restlessness, discontentment, loneliness, out-of-whackness, ill-at-easeness, wondering-what-it’s-all-aboutness we all face in life.
Please find a quiet spot and spend some time reading what follows. You might even offer a prayer, asking God to help you think through these things. The Bible passages from which these thoughts are drawn are listed toward the end of the booklet.