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Praise You Anywhere

Not only for what He has done - but also for what He will do!

“Sometimes you've gotta dance through the darkness
Sing through the fire
Praise when it don't make sense
Sometimes you've gotta stare down the giant
Worship from the lion's den”

Praise You Anywhere, Brandon Lake

“I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.”

Psalm 34:1-2, NIV


We praise God - not only for what He has done - but for what He might do.


We praise God on the mountain, and in the valley, in harvest time and in times of barrenness.


Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses - but I choose to trust in the Name of the Lord. He has never failed, and He won’t start now!


So, like David we give Him thanks and magnify His Name at all times - even at our lowest - for as we lift up praise He will lift our Spirits. His joy becomes our strength!


Habakkuk poured out his complaints before the Lord - mourned the ungodliness of his people, poured out his grief over the wrongdoings and the injustice of the nations, and his anger at those mocking and scoffing at the Lord.


He asks, like many before and after him - oh Lord, how long will You look on and do nothing?


But just like with Job and David the Lord answered Habbakuk - and we see a change in attitude.


It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are, it doesn’t matter what situation we find ourselves in - we are called to worship and praise the Lord.


Worship is the means through which we turn our eyes away from our complaints and circumstances towards the Saviour, Redeemer and Love of our Souls. Worship is the means through which we turn our eyes and set them upon the face and grace of the Mighty One who saves.


Habakkuk ends with a song of praise. In this song (Hab. 3) the prophet is not only giving God praise for what He has done, but rather looks towards what God will do (v. 16).


We have, in His Word, promises from the very Heart of the Almighty.


Just like God answered Habakkuk with the promise of victory and deliverance - so God answers our every fear and complaint through the promises found in His Word.


Our response then is to praise God, even in the storm and in the midst of the battlefield.


We praise Him for what He has done - but we also praise Him for what He will do.


This is a theme we see expressed in the Psalms and the Prophets. We even see this in the Immaculate Conception when John the Baptist rejoices in his mothers womb (Luke 1:41-44).


The victory has already been conceived - even if it has not been birthed yet - we can rejoice in knowing that it will come! We can rejoice in knowing that no word that God has spoken will return to Him void and that His promises are yes and amen!


So, rejoice today! Let His praise be upon our lips! Even in the midst of the storm, even in the heat of battle, in the flood and fire, while staring down giants in the valley and while climbing that mountain! Let us praise the Lord for what He has done! Let us praise the Lord for what He will do!


Prayer: Lord, today I praise You for Your faithfulness! There is no shadow of turning with You! What You have spoken will not return to You empty! I thank You Lord that I can stand on the promises found in Your Word! I thank You are the rewarder of my faith and that the reward is more of You. Let Your will unfold in my life. Let me not be distracted by situations or circumstances, but may my eyes be set steadfast and firm upon the Rock of my Salvation. In Jesus Name. Amen.







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