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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
A Song to the Lord

Come to Jesus

When You Can't Contain the Joy Inside

This column usually considers a hymn that has found acceptance in the corporate worship of many (or most) churches, at least those of the evangelical persuasion, and published in a hymnal. But the song for today is a newer song with the title “Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus).”  Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word hymn in its noun form as “a song of praise to God,” a “song of praise or joy,” or “a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service.” To my knowledge, this song has not been published in any collection of songs for use in church worship services, but I believe it could be. It is certainly a song of praise to God and a song that lends itself to congregational singing.

The writer, Chris Rice, uses the first stanza to make an admission that applies to everyone. Left to ourselves, we are broken people in need of repair, and by his grace Jesus comes to us and offers to do that repair work in our lives. We need only respond to his gracious offer.

Weak and wounded sinner, lost and left to die,
O raise your head for Love is passing by.
Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, come to Jesus, and live.

How do we feel when a very difficult situation is resolved, or the answer comes to a serious problem that threatened our well-being? We feel relief and happiness. Our spirits are lifted, and we give expression to our joy. So it is, when Jesus gives us a new life and removes the penalty and power of sin from us. Words (or songs) of joy flow from us.

Now your burden's lifted and carried far away,
And precious blood has washed away the stain.
Sing to Jesus, sing to Jesus, sing to Jesus, and live.

Living as a Christ-follower has its ups and downs. Sometimes we follow Jesus closely and sometimes we sense a separation from him. The times of separation usually come when we have stumbled in our obedience or faithfulness to Jesus, and for those times the Book of Common Prayer offers this prayer:

Almighty God, cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that I may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your name, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Chris Rice reminds us that in those times of stumbling and falling, Jesus never abandons us. He is always near to His struggling child.

Like a newborn baby, don't be afraid to crawl,
And remember when you walk, sometimes we fall.
Fall on Jesus, fall on Jesus, fall on Jesus, and live.

Along with our faults and failures, there are also times in life when, as Rice writes, “the way is lonely and steep and filled with pain.” The Spanish mystic and Catholic poet St. John of the Cross described these times as the “dark night of the soul.” Sometimes all we can do is cry and weep, but even then, we can be assured that Jesus sees our tears and feels our pain. He, too, cried out in abandonment on the cross.

Sometimes the way is lonely and steep and filled with pain,
So, if your sky is dark and pours the rain,
Then cry to Jesus, cry to Jesus, cry to Jesus and live.

In time, those seasons of despair will come to an end. The light of God’s presence will return, and we will feel within God’s love for us that has always been there. And when the joy returns within, we give it expression.

When the love spills over and music fills the night,
And when you can't contain your joy inside,
Then dance for Jesus, dance for Jesus, dance for Jesus and live.

So far, this song has taken us on a journey through the ebb and flow of the Christian life. He has shown us that in every season and in every circumstance, Christ is with us and meets us at every point of need with His gift of life. We come to Jesus for salvation life. We sing to Jesus out of joy for forgiven life. We have leaned on Jesus for life after failure. We have cried to Jesus for life after heartache and have danced for Jesus in our joy at His loving presence. So, what do we do at the end of life? At the end of life here on earth, Chris Rice writes “fly to Jesus” and enter the joy of your Lord.

And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world good-bye,
Then go in peace and laugh on glory's side.
And fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, and live.


This link is to a recording of the song by the writer, Chris Rice.

If you have found this meditation helpful, take a moment and give thanks to God. Then share what you learned with a friend. This is how the grace of God spreads (2 Corinthians 4.15).

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T. M. Moore, the Principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, and Rusty Rabon host THE AILBE PODCAST which you can find on The Fellowship of Ailbe website here.

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Rusty Rabon

Rusty Rabon has served in vocational Christian ministry in local churches since 1981. He also served as a Christian radio announcer for 15 years. He married his wife Terri in 1978 and they have 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. You can find books by Rusty Rabon here.

Rusty also hosts a book reading program called READING GREAT BOOKS on his Facebook page. You can follow Rusty at, on Facebook and on Twitter.

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