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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Week - Fellowship of Ailbe
The Week
Let's see if we can define "God."
Climate change, politics, and money - ugh.
Which culture is it OK for Christians to use?
Sometimes a little shame can go a long way.
When will we break free of the language police?
A word from our forebears about Scripture.
We should not let go of our Christian language.
He simply can't hold this view.
Where are the Christian "monuments men"?
To what - or Whom - is your mind captive?
Culture is a powerful means for glorifying God.
We must stand on Scripture in the matter of good government.
Precision medicine? Do we need it?
Your friend may simply need some new evidence.
We're not saved by works, but we're not saved without them.

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