Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Celtic Revival
Welcome to the Online Learning Page of The Fellowship of Ailbe.

Beginning with the work of Patrick, a great awakening to Christ began in Ireland. Within two generations, it spread to Europe, bringing widespread revival to churches there and awakening of many people to the Gospel. Thomas Cahill described the Celtic Revival as a period in Christian history when Irish believers and missionaries “saved civilization.” The resources on this page can give you more information about this period, and why we at The Fellowship of Ailbe look back to it for instruction, inspiration, and direction.

The Celtic Revival

Download this free PDF and gain an overview of The Celtic Revival – the people, events, character, and accomplishments of this period.

Columbanus was the greatest of the Irish missionaries. This free PDF Reader includes excerpts from his extant sermons.

Order your free copy from our Bookstore and discover the lasting heritage of The Celtic Revival and the lessons we can learn from it today.

The theology that drove the Celtic Revival was entirely orthodox, as we see from the writings of first leaders of that revival, Patrick and Sechnaill. Click the button below to read summary of their teachings.

Patrick told his story in two brief works, which we have recorded for our InVerse Theology Project. You can listen to each episode in Celtic Flame: The Burden of Patrick by clicking the button below.

The Celtic Legacy podcast features insights and encouragement from the writers of the Celtic Revival.

Questions about the Celtic Revival?

Use our contact form to ask any questions you have about the Celtic Revival.


These brief video resources offer a closer look at Kingdom living from Biblical, historical, and contemporary vantage points.

Ask the Fellowship: What is the Celtic revival about?

Ask the Fellowship: How do we know about the Celtic Christian period?

These two videos show you how The Fellowship of Ailbe connects to The Celtic Revival.

Readings from The Celtic Revival: Holiness, from “The Alphabet of Devotion.”

Readings from The Celtic Revival: Calling, from “Life of Saint Columban”

Readings from The Celtic Revival: A Prayer of Columbanus

The Ailbe Cross

The Celtic Christian Vision of Christ


Crosfigell is our twice-weekly teaching letter featuring selections from the leaders of The Celtic Revival, accompanied by appropriate Scripture, questions for reflection, and excerpts from a psalm for singing.

Ask the Fellowship: What does the word “Crosfigell” mean?

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