Against Instability
21 July 2010
Three things which drive out the spirit of instability, and make the mind steadfast: vigil, and prayer, and labour.
– Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century)
But let him ask in faith, nothing doubting…For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
– James 1.6-8
Double-minded people confess faith in Jesus Christ, thus, tacitly at least, admitting the existence of an unseen realm of glory and a Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, they continue to live in this world as though their material wants and needs were of primary importance.
They praise Jesus on Sunday as Lord of time and creation; then they used the vast bulk of their time and most of their creative energy in materialistic and frivolous pursuits. They protest to believe the Bible to be the Word of God, but then devote very little energy to reading, studying, and meditating in it. They say they believe in prayer, but pray very little.
Double-minded people insist that the story of Jesus is Good News, but then they seldom, if ever, venture to share that story with anyone else. They confess Jesus as Lord, but then try to enlist Him in their aid for all their wants and needs.
I’d add a fourth remedy against double-mindedness to those Colman recommends: sound doctrine, beginning with the Law of God (cf. 2 Pet. 3.17). Prayer, waiting on the Lord, working for the progress of the Kingdom, and grounding our lives in sound doctrine – these are, indeed, remedies against double-mindedness.
But in case you prefer double-mindedness to stability according to such remedies as these, just remember: you may expect nothing – nothing! – from the Lord.
July Exercise Part 3: Let’s go to the next step in applying the teaching of the free the brochure, Called to Be Witnesses. During the coming week, get together with the friends for whom you made a copy of this brochure, and work through the brochure, My Personal Mission Field, together.
Today in ReVision: Presidential Judgment – How wise is the President, really?
Also at the website, we have begun our next Kingdom Civics series on the “Founding Documents” of the Kingdom, and Every Thought CaptiveSatan, Bound (soon to be a Waxed Tablet book!). features the next installment of
This Month’s Download: Called to Be Witnesses – Give a copy to your friends and begin talking together about how you can become more serious about piety.
We hope you’ll visit our book store and check out the resources available to help you live the Christian life. And let us hear from you.
T. M. Moore,