6 August 2010
Having collected a band of brethren, St. Columban asked the prayers of all…and, under the guidance of Christ, went to the seashore with twelve companions. Here they waited to see if the mercy of the Almighty would allow their purpose to succeed, and learned that the Spirit of the all-merciful Judge was with them. So they embarked…
– The Monk Jonas, Life of St. Columban (Irish, 7th century)
And Peter answered, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.”
– Matthew 14.28, 29
Columbanus was fifty years old when he left his post at Bangor and, with twelve of his students, sailed from Ireland to Gaul. Fifty then was probably the equivalent of 65 or 70 today. The fire of Christ kindled in his soul, causing him to separate from everything familiar and comfortable and to embark on a curragh to sail for unknown lands.
Jesus called Columbanus to embark; Peter, on the other hand, He commanded to disembark. Both men were called to go out on the waves in obedience to the Word of Christ, for whatever He might wish to do with them. Embark, disembark – “Come.”
However we look at it – getting in a boat for mission or leaving the comforts of one for the storm-tossed seas of life – we are all called to “Come.” Jesus calls us every day anew to take up our cross and follow Him. He calls us to deny ourselves, to fear nothing in this life, to be His witnesses, and to make disciples. And He calls us first thing in the morning, every day, all day long.
Tomorrow as you arise, pause on the edge of your bed and listen. Do you hear it? Do you hear His unfaltering, unfailing mandate? “Come.” Come to Jesus, every day anew, and then go where He sends you, to the people He wants you to bless and the situations He wants you to transform for His glory. Get in the boat of your own mission field, or out of the boat of your familiar comforts, and go after the Word of Jesus.
You will never regret it. And you will never do anything more meaningful or more exhilarating.
Exercise for the Month: We’ll be working on this all month long. Have you made your list of the people to whom Christ is sending you? Are you praying for them? What are you praying? Is the Lord beginning to answer your prayers? Drop me a line and tell me how it’s going.
Today in ReVision: Great – It’s been a difficult week for US global strategic policy.
This Week’s Download: Go get the Impact and Understanding of the Bible: A Questionnaire and start becoming familiar with it. We’ll be using it a little later this month.
Don’t forget to visit our book store to discover the resources available there.
T. M. Moore, nacurragh@aol.com