Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Be faithful to the commands of God at all times.


Be faithful to the commands of God at all times.

A Rule for Hermits (Irish, 6th or 8th century)

Whoever says, “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him…

– 1 John 2.4

I continue to be baffled by the antipathy of many Christians toward the Law of God. A pastor responded to an article of mine on another website, in which I brought the Law of God into the process of sanctification; he denied that the Law had any place at all in that work. Instead, he insisted, we should simply point to Jesus.

But, I pointed out, if we point to Jesus, what will we see? Won’t we see a Man Who always did what His Father commanded, Who kept the Law of God in every detail, and Who said that they who followed His example in this would be great in the Kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5.17-19)? In other words, if we don’t look to the Law for guidance in learning to love God and neighbor, but only look to Jesus instead, we will encounter the one who said that loving God and neighbor is the sum and substance of the Law and the prophets. Faithfulness in following Jesus, it would seem, requires faithfulness (not perfection) in keeping God’s Law.

Has this gentleman not read the psalms, in which the writer professes his deep and devoted love of the Law of God? Has he not read the epistles of John, who commended obedience to God’s Law as the essence of true discipleship and the way of love? Has he not read the Proverbs, where we are told that those who neglect the Law of God will find that even their prayers are an abomination to God? Has he not read the Apostle Paul who wrote that the Law is holy and righteous and good? Would he deny the work of the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to teach and empower us for obedience to God’s Law (Ezek. 36.26, 27)?

I just don’t get it. We can talk about the Law of God, you know, without insisting that salvation is by the Law. It’s not. Salvation is by Christ. Sanctification is by Christ as well, by His Spirit working with His Word according to the direction provided in His Law. We are stewards of God’s Word, including His Law, and it is required of stewards that they be faithful.

The righteous person, David insisted, meditates daily in the Law of God, and his life brings forth the fruit of righteousness as a result (Ps. 1). The manifest lack of real righteousness throughout most of the Christian community in America today leads me to insist that we need more, not less of the Law of God.

And that means you and me, friend.

Today in ReVision: What I Hate About Politicians – I’m not as stupid as I seem.

This Week’s Download: Soul Friends– Use this free brochure to start a new life-long relationship.

Our new website is about three weeks from ready. Pray for us as we finish up the details. Watch for several new resources at the bookstore and new opportunities for mentoring and training.

T. M. Moore,

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