Christian education today is largely an information-transfer affair…
Better for you if you are not ignorant; but let your learning be orthodox. Be studious and well informed in laws and rules.
– The Rule of Carthage (Irish, 7th century)
Therefore, preparing your minds for action, be sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
– 1 Peter 1.13
The educational culture of perhaps most American churches – Bible-believing churches, that is – is one that thrives on the transmission of Biblical ideas and Christian thoughts. Christian education today is largely an information-transfer affair – what’s on my notes gets onto yours at the end of the day, without ever really passing through the lives of either one of us.
It’s good to be informed – not to be ignorant – and especially to be informed about sound orthodox matters. But to what end? Just to “know” more “truth”? Or should our knowing and thinking be unto something? Peter says we should get our minds in gear for action, and the action he recommends is that which conduces to being more like Jesus Christ.
Both Peter (2 Pet.) and John (1 Jn. 3) urge us on in the work of becoming more like Jesus. Paul does the same (2 Cor. 3.12-18). Whatever knowledge we gain, whatever we learn or come to know, let it move us to action, whether in words or deeds, so that our lives become vessels through which Jesus expresses His.
If He lives in us, ought we not to expect that He will make Himself known through us? That process begins within, where we prepare our minds for action, action that reflects the reality of the indwelling Christ, the power of His Spirit, and the truth of His Word. By all means let us study and grow in our thinking. But let us think so that we may act.
Act like Jesus.
Today in ReVision: What, not Whether – Here comes more education reform.
This Week’s Download: Soul Friends – Get this free brochure and get yourself a soul friend or two. That will set your mind for action.
T. M. Moore,