Remember the old Gospel song, “Turn Your Radio On”?
Growth in holiness must be accompanied by moderation. The monk should strive after holiness with sincerity and joy of heart. His mind should be perpetually attuned to heaven, manifesting a preference for light over darkness.
– The Rule of Cormac mac Ciolionain (Irish, 10th century)
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
– Colossians 3.1, 2
Remember the old Gospel song, “Turn Your Radio On”? Ray Stevens did my favorite version of it: “Don’t you know that everybody is a radio receiver, all you gotta do is listen for the call! Turn your radio on!” What a great image.
Just as radio waves are coming at us incessantly, only awaiting the tuning of the dial to bring the latest news, weather, music, and sports, so the glory of God and the mysteries of the unseen realm beam out toward us without ceasing, awaiting our active reception. All we gotta do is tune our minds perpetually to the things that are above.
In Ephesians 1.15-23 Paul exhorts us to engage the eye of the heart to see into that glorious realm where Christ is seated, enthroned in glory, surrounded by saints and angels, upholding the world and all things in it, interceding for His people, and advancing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. If we can learn to live from within that setting, we can know greater hope, confidence, peace, joy, and power in everday living. And we’ll be better motivated to pursue holiness in the fear of God.
But we have to tune in to the incessant spiritual messages coming at us daily by turning to prayer, meditation, singing, and setting our minds on the things that are above. Apparently, that’s too much for most contemporary Christians, who seem to prefer the cotton, hay, and rags of our getting-and-spending culture to the fullness of joy and pleasures forever more at the Right Hand of God.
Give it a week. Tune your soul to Christ enthroned by meditating on the many Scriptures that describe Him, reigning in glory; join Him there and walk with Him there through the course of your life each day. “If you listen in you will be a believer, standin’ on the Truth that will never fall.”
Set your mind where it matters, not where it just gets cluttered with the things that are passing away.
Today in ReVision: Big Change No Change – We can’t pay teachers enough to make their students do better.
This Week’s Download: Soul Friends
T. M. Moore,