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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Seven Mountains of Influence

T.M. Moore
David Timbie

All need our prayers.

I have been writing these newsletters to give suggestions on how we can enrich and strengthen our prayer lives. Ideas like praying Scripture, having prayer partners, singing hymns, using classic prayers of the saints, and praying out loud. Let me now move to some topics that might be of interest to you in growing your prayer life.

I was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for 30 years. Early on in that time I heard about a prayer strategy that came from Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, and Lloren Cunningham, founder of Youth with a Mission. First separately, then together, they were given by God what they called “seven spheres of influence”, or the “seven mountains”. In every culture or society there are outside influences that shape the way people think. These men of God called on believers to pray for each mountain. I have spent part of my prayer time each day praying for one of these “mountains”, thereby covering all the mountains in one week.

Here are the “7 Mountains of Influence” and some suggestions of what to pray for:

    Pray for all of Christendom, that God would unite us as one body and one mission to bring the kingdom of God to the nations. Pray that churches would band together to be an effective witness and make disciples of the lost in their communities. Pray that believers will be conformed to the image of Christ and seek His kingdom. Pray that the denominations, churches, and believers will allow the Holy Spirit to lead them instead of worldly philosophies. Pray that God will show the people of the world that other religions are false and draw them to Jesus Christ.
    The family is the building block of society and it has been under attack since the very first family. Today there are forces who seek to divide, redefine, and destroy families. Pray for healing and restoration of all families. Pray for husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, single parents, and children to fulfill their biblical roles and be an example of God’s design of the strong family for the community. Pray against those who seek to destroy the family and against wrong worldviews that harm the family.
    Pray that the education system would return to teaching fundamentals of reading, writing, mathematics and science. Pray for godly administrators and teachers who will instill truth and virtue in the students. Pray against false worldviews and philosophies that mislead the student. Pray for parents to be more involved with their children’s education.
    Pray for the leaders of our country, state, and local authorities that they might have protection, guidance, wisdom, and awareness of God’s presence in their mind and heart. Pray they practice integrity and trust in God. Pray they seek to have a conscience void of offense toward God and men. Pray they will pass legislation that is in line with the principles of the Word of God.
  1. MEDIA
    Pray for greater Christian influence in mass media. Pray that publishers, newscasters, podcasters, and social media specialists will be aware of God’s principles and seek to be truthful and not be divisive and disruptive. Pray that children might be shielded from harmful philosophies and suggestions in the media.
    This is a major “mountain” that influences culture and society. Pray for producers, sponsors, performers, artists, and athletes that they will be awakened to God’s love and purpose for them and turn them from worldly desires. Pray that God would raise up gifted artisans to aid in worship and to glorify God through their paintings, songs, drama, and life. Pray for the public to crave righteousness to be portrayed in entertainment.
    Pray for businessmen and women to follow biblical principles of commerce. Pray against temptation to greed, corruption, and covetousness in the marketplace. Pray that the Church embrace its responsibility to train those who are called into the marketplace to manage businesses and provide leadership with integrity and honesty. Pray that the wealth produced in the marketplace will be used for missions and ministry. 

If you have found this study helpful, take a moment to give thanks to God. Then share what you have learned with a friend. This is how the grace of God spreads (2 Cor. 4.15).

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