Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Larger Vision

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Christ exalted.

Pastoral Vision (18)

And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.” Acts 2.40

What made Paul’s generation “perverse” was that they believed the lies told about Jesus and so justified themselves from believing in Him. He was possessed by demons. A blasphemer. A rebel against Roman rule. And more.

Our generation is no different, except that the overall mentality toward Jesus is one of indifference. Perversity follows such indifference, for it leads to scorning the way of righteousness and love.

How do we as Christians think about Jesus? Isaac Watts (1647-1748) can help us here: “Can there be any juster cause or season to exert fervor and zeal, than while we are pleading for the name, and honor, and kingdom of our adored Jesus? Let him live, let him reign for ever on his throne of glory; let him live upon our lips, and reign in all our ministrations: Let him live in the hearts of all our hearers; let him live and reign through Great Britain, and through all nations, till iniquity be subdued, till the kingdom of Satan be destroyed, and the whole world are become willing subjects to the sceptre of his grace!” (An Exhortation to Ministers)

It’s good to consider the larger, overall vision within which we conduct the work of ministry. Christ is exalted at the Father’s right hand, Who is putting all His enemies under His feet. He sends His Spirit to convict, convert, and teach His chosen people, and to empower them to bear fruit, exercise spiritual gifts, and give bold witness for Christ. He is building His Church and advancing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and of the increase of His Kingdom and righteousness, there will be no end! And within all that grand and glorious vision, He is making disciples who are the very embodiment of His resurrection life and power!

Keep focused on Jesus and we will not easily wander off into the lie and perversity.

Resources for Shepherds
This fall The Fellowship of Ailbe will offer three opportunities for men to grow in their vision of the Kingdom of God. Beginning in September and meeting every other Thursday afternoon our Men’s Bible Study will scour the book of Ecclesiastes for wisdom in serving the Lord in our secular age.

On Wednesday afternoons (every two weeks), we will take a closer look at the Celtic Revival by studying Thomas Cahill’s book, How the Irish Saved Civilization together with a closer look at three great Celtic Christian leaders.

Then every fourth Thursday evening we will hold our “Kingdom Conversations” on subjects relevant to life in the Kingdom of God. For more information on these opportunities, watch this page for dates and times, or email me at

Jesus continues to work on our behalf from His throne at the right hand of God. Our book, What in Heaven Is Jesus Doing on Earth? can help to fill out your vision of Jesus, exalted in glory. You can order this study in book form by clicking here, or as a free PDF for your e-reader by clicking here.

Our newest bookstore release, Patrick: A Devotional History, is now available for your e-reader as a free download in our bookstore.This 30-day devotional would be a stimulating and instructive exercise for church leaders in every area. Once you’ve downloaded your copy, share it with anyone you like.

From the Celtic Revival
In every age, Christians must be prepared to deal with the lie. The lie is anything which seeks to draw us away from pursuing Jesus. Celtic Christians had to confront the lie in their day, both from the surrounding culture and from certain segments within the Church of Jesus Christ.

Colum Cille (d. 596) was relentless against the lie, as Beccán mac Luigdech explained in his testimony following Colum’s death:

To heaven’s King he was known,
towards each threat He lit his mind…
His brilliant fame—just in speech—
he was the spearcast, lies were slain.

  – Beccán mac Luigdech, Fo Réir Choluimb, on Colum Cille, Irish, 7th century[1]

Shepherds can guard their flocks by teaching them to recognize the lies of this age and equipping them to expose and dismantle the lie whatever form it may take. Our book, Understanding the Times, shows how the lie is at work in our day. You can learn more and order your copy in book form by clicking here or in a free PDF for your e-reader by clicking here.

Subscribe to Crosfigell and all our other teaching letters by clicking here

In addition to Crosfigell, we have prepared several free resources to give you a look into the period of the Celtic Revival and to challenge your faith and ministry with the example of our Christian forebears. Click the links below to check out the following free resources:

The Celtic Revival: A Brief Introduction
Living to Rule: An Introduction to Celtic Christian Spirituality
Lives of Irish Saints: A Tribute
Columbanus: A Devotional History
Colum Cille: A Devotional History
Patrick: A Devotional History

T. M. Moore

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And please prayerfully consider supporting The Fellowship of Ailbe with your prayers and gifts. You can contribute online, via PayPal or Anedot, or by sending a gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, P. O. Box 8213, Essex, VT 05451..

Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


[1] Clancy and Márkus, p. 139.

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Fellowship of Ailbe