Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

An Online Advent Calendar

T.M. Moore
Rusty Rabon

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This Sunday begins the season of Advent, and I’ve created an online Advent calendar to encourage reflection and worship during this season.
Beginning tomorrow and continuing through the entire month of December, this calendar will provide prayers and songs for each day drawn from the Scriptures that speak to the themes of the Advent season.  Here is the web address for the calendar:
You can click on the block for each day of the month to read that day’s prayer and listen to that day’s song.
If you check it out and think of someone who might be interested in it, please feel free to share the link with them.
May your Advent and Christmas be filled with reflection and rest, and peace and joy!

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T.M. Moore
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