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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

Might we see our own culture transformed by the power of the Gospel?

Personal Mission Field

The ancient fortresses of the pagans,/to which title had been gained by long habitation,/are empty and without worship/like the place where Lugaid dwelt.

  - Oengus mac Oengobann, Feilire Oengusso (Irish, 9th century)

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ...

  - 2 Corinthians 10.5

Oengus was reflecting on the achievement of the Irish saints up to his day in taking the Gospel to their world and winning it for King Jesus.

The Celtic god, Lug, was the god of light and the arts. He was perhaps the most popular and widely honored god of the Celtic pantheon. But within a century after Patrick's ministry unleashed the Gospel on Celtic paganism, Lug was a forgotten deity.

All the ancient pagan strongholds of culture, religious practice, and social life were completely overturned and renewed by the Gospel - even though they had been entrenched for long centuries among the Celtic peoples.

The power of the Gospel is such that, when God's people live and proclaim it faithfully, it takes every thought captive, wins many souls for Christ, and makes all things new in life, culture, and society. And it doesn't matter how debased or violent that culture and society might have been. The Celtic Revival is proof that the Gospel can transform even the most hardened and wicked people and their culture.

So, just in case - if only subconsciously - you had given up on believing that we could see a revival in our time, and that an awakening of true religion and reformation might break out in our day, Oengus' reflection on the experience of his own heritage should encourage us to keep on keeping on.

If we will live the Gospel and proclaim the Gospel today and every day, and if we will seek the Lord for revival, renewal, and awakening, then we might see our own culture transformed by the power of the Gospel, just as Oengus saw his.

To whom will you go as Patrick today?

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

ReVision - We born-again types aren't brain dead, like many of our opponents insist. We are, however, brain deficient.

Voices Together, Vol. 2 is now available in our bookstore, and finishes John's excellent series of prayers through the psalms. Order your copy today.

We are now taking applications for mentoring in preaching, evangelism, spiritual life, or shepherding. If you're interested and would like to investigate this further, go to our website and check out the page, or send me an email. A Fellowship of Ailbe mentoring relationship could change your life and ministry.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OK, well, this explains a lot.

Pure King

May 26, 2011

Today is another day in the Kingdom of God.

Transitory Things

May 25, 2011

Love  the world; but love it aright.

Slayer of Lies

May 24, 2011

It matters how we think about our discipleship.

Open Our Eyes!

May 23, 2011

The unseen realm is real, and Christ is King there.


May 22, 2011

An ancient remedy for dealing with temptation is being rediscovered.

Guard the Law

May 29, 2011

The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (7)

The study and keeping of God’s Law must be a high priority in our souls.

Seek Justice

May 28, 2011

The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (6)

Justice is God’s Law practiced in all human relations.

Parents First

May 27, 2011

The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (5)

Honoring our parents and forebears teaches us self-control and love.

The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (4)

The Lord’s Day should be a training-ground for the conscience.

The Rule of Law: Government of the Mind (3)

We love God and neighbor by and unto holiness.

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