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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

General Downloads

“O Lord, you awaken us to delight in your praise, for you made us for yourself, and our heart is restless, until it rests in you.”

That’s a quote from Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (A. D. 401) in his book, Confessions. He hits on something basic to being a human being. It involves a relationship with God and a restlessness without him.

That relationship is what the Bible talks about. It’s a subject that reaches to the very core of life. This little booklet traces the broad strokes of the Bible’s message. It addresses the issue of the restlessness, discontentment, loneliness, out-of-whackness, ill-at-easeness, wondering-what-it’s-all-aboutness we all face in life.

Please find a quiet spot and spend some time reading
what follows. You might even offer a prayer, asking God
to help you think through these things. The Bible passages
from which these thoughts are drawn are listed toward the
end of the booklet.

Download this free PDF to read excerpts from the earliest writers of The Celtic Revival, Patrick and Sechnall, and to discover the depth of their orthodox teaching.

God promises that if we will seek Him for revival, daily and together with others, He will do great things and mysteries the likes of which we've never seen. These readings can help you work into a daily regimen of praying for revival. Download and share these readings with as many people as you can.

Why is the world so troubled? Why are people so angry and distressed? Why is there so much sorrow, sadness, violence, want, confusion, and despair? Jesus explains it all, because Jesus is the Explanation for life as it should be – life filled with peace, joy, goodness, kindness, and love.
Read the Gospel of John and discover for yourself how Jesus can be your Explanation as well.

What do shepherds do? What can we learn from faithful shepherds in the past? This free morning-and-evening reader can help you improve your skills as a shepherd of the Lord's flock.

Two of the giants of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and John Calvin, lead us to consider what it means to follow Jesus and to grow in Him.

These readings aim to help you identify areas of needed growth in your walk with the Lord. Add them to your daily times of seeking the Lord - morning and evening - and let these great Christian leaders guide to you realize more of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Now more than ever in our lifetime, men need to seek the Lord in prayer on behalf of His City and people. God is seeking men to pray, and this pamphlet can show you why, and how to take your place, standing in the gap for God as a man of prayer.

And while you're at it, watch this brief video about our Men's Prayer Movement.

Our free booklet, To Know the Secrets of the World, can help you get started in a life-long adventure of discovering God's glory in creation. Here are guidelines, examples, and even a journal to enable you to discover the wonders God has hidden for you in the things He has made.

Between 430 and 800 AD a movement of God's Spirit, beginning in Ireland, brought multiplied thousands to Christ, renewed churches all over Europe, sent thousands of missionaries to foreign lands, and saved civilization. Here's a resource to help you learn more about the Celtic Revival.

A catechism is an ancient form of learning using questions and answers. The Kingdom Catechism focuses on how the Law of God can help to make us proper citizens and ambassadors in that Kingdom.

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