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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Series: By What Standard? Part 1

Thanks for joining me for this week’s devotional series. As we explore God’s Word together, I pray that the Holy Spirit will use these devotions on the authority and inspiration of God’s Word to illuminate our hearts and minds, helping us to walk faithfully with Jesus Christ.

A Definition

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines counterculture as…

a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society

I was taught that you shouldn’t define a word by using the word you’re attempting to define in the definition… but what do I know? Yet there you have it: A counterculture is a culture with values and mores, (customs) that run counter to those of established society.

God of the Arts

November 06, 2013

God can speak to us through the arts.

Jesus calls us to Himself to send us to the world.

Culture Making

April 01, 2013
All culture matters to God.
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