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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Mike Slay

As a mathematician, inventor, and ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America, Mike Slay brings an analytical, conversational, and even whimsical approach to the daily study of God's Word.

"And fear came on all their neighbors." Why?

A model prayer for us.

Mary's Snap Decision

October 10, 2017

Must see Elizabeth now.

Mary's question is better than Zechariah's.

Zechariah and Mary both get good news, but Zechariah doubts Gabriel’s word. Zechariah gets a lesson in how to talk to angels.

She gets the best news ever, but it's not, "You'll have an easy life."

Zechariah and Elizabeth are not without sin.

So Gabriel hits him with the perfect comeback line.

But Zechariah can't handle the good news.

The Gift of God's Word

October 02, 2017

We harvest the fruit of centuries of labor.

Job sees his sin and grows.

Job, Week 11: God Answers

September 17, 2017
The LORD shows up, and Job’s desire to question Him melts away in a heartbeat.

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