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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Walking the Walk

September 06, 2024

Greetings, dear friends in Christ. As we conclude our exploration of the Beatitudes, I’m filled with gratitude for your fellowship on this pilgrimage. My prayer is that these reflections will bear good and lasting fruit in your life, drawing you ever closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Upside-Down Kingdom

September 05, 2024

Welcome back! As we continue our exploration of the Beatitudes, I’m grateful to have you with me as we walk with Christ along the narrow way. May our time together deepen your love for, and walk with Christ, and inspire you to live out his teachings more fully.

Southside’s Mission

Before I arrived at the church I presently serve, a vision committee was formed to prayerfully study, discuss, and articulate our church’s mission. They were then tasked with writing a mission statement based on their effort. The statement declared Southside United Methodist Church’s mission was to,

Build the Family of God into Faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ.