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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
We underestimate sometimes the power of culture to rob us of reality.

Proof of Sin

September 6, 2010
Anyone who yet doubts the reality of sin need only spend an afternoon along the Shenandoah River at Harpers Ferry.
What bothers me most about President Obama's speech last night...
To listen to some Christians today you'd think the West had arrived at the final state of spiritual and moral development.
Donald Wildmon is outraged. But is it for the right reason?

So, is he?

August 23, 2010
Readers will know that, since the beginning of his presidency
Just about the time everyone in the West gets used to the idea that we are the products of mere evolution,
President Obama was pilloried by the conservative press over the weekend for two remarks he made concerning the proposed "mosque at ground zero."
You gotta admire NY Congressman Charlie Rangel.
A report in the August 7th issue of The Economist offers what could well be a glimpse into the future of the American Church."The void within" chronicles the sad state of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe. In desperate decline and plagued by sex scandals, the Church is losing ground…

Hip, Hip

August 9, 2010
Two cheers this morning for what some may regard as unlikely subjects.First, "60 Minutes." Last evening the CBS news magazine ran a report on His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholmeo, Patriarch of the Orthodox Church and shepherd of some 300 million Orthodox worldwide. The Patriarch ("call me Bartholomeo," he told the…


August 6, 2010
Great. Just when you're feeling really good about practically owning the seas, the Chinese invent a missile that can knock out a super-carrier from 900 miles. Isn't this always the way it is? You get to feeling pretty good about being the top dog in this, that, or the other,…


August 2, 2010
The situation with New York Congressman Charles Rangel serves to remind us of the sorry state of ethics in America today, and should lead us to question how we have arrived at this present morass.The Congressman is charged with 13 violations of House ethics rules - 13! - and for…
You'll pardon me, I hope, but I'm still feeling the after-effects of hearing Creflo Dollar insist, over and over again during his Sunday morning broadcast, that "It is not God's will that you should be sick" or something very near that.Let's see. Lazarus was sick. Paul had some kind of…
Imagine this: Suppose some eager lawmaker in Washington should introduce legislation on a pressing matter of public policy, prefacing his bill with the information that his proposed legislation is informed and guided by the Law of God. How do you suppose that would be received?On Monday of this week President…

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