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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Insights and meditations on the Church from John Calvin.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

God is seeking men who are earnest about seeking Him in prayer. He promises great blessings to us if we will heed His call and take up the work of prayer with greater consistency and power. Our booklet, If Men Will Pray, can lead you through 30 days of prayer to a richer, fuller, more powerful and more satisfying life of prayer. Watch this brief video, then order your copy of If Men Will Pray.

Order If Men Will Pray >

Download Men of the Church: A Solemn Warning, A Serious Call, and an Amazing Hope >

Augustine was one of the great saints and teachers of the early Church. His On Christian Doctrine remains as one of the finest handbooks for learning to read, study, and teach the Word of God. These 28 meditations will help you gain an appreciation of this book and its lessons for preaching and teaching.

What's the state of your Christian worldview? The Personal Discipleship Inventory is a self-assessment tool that can help you get your bearings against the vision of Christ and His Kingdom, the disciplines of the life of faith, and the outcomes God intends for our Kingdom-and-glory calling. Watch the video, then download the Personal Discipleship Inventory, and get started toward some new horizons of Christian growth.

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