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The Glory Due His Name


February 18, 2024

Yahweh my God, you are the great I AM!

You are self-sufficient and self-existent, complete and without weakness or fault or need.

You are the One who simply “Is.”

Your Name is to be honored and revered.

Your Name is the object of trust for your children, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. (Psalm 9:10)

Your Name, O God of our salvation, is the source of hope and confidence for your children, our ground of appeal for forgiveness and blessing. (Psalm 79:9)

O sovereign Lord, how majestic and worthy of praise is your Name in all the earth (Psalm 8:1), and from the depth of our souls we seek to ascribe to you the glory due your Name (1 Chronicles 16:29).


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