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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

Honor Begins at Home

November 01, 2010

Honor Begins at Home--Honoring one’s parents is fundamental to a well-ordered and just society,...

Great in the Kingdom

October 31, 2010

With the statutes regulating the year of release we come to an end of the first four commandments.

Do, Keep, Perform

October 30, 2010

Do, keep, perform – how many different ways can the Lord impress on us His intention for us with respect to His Law?

We may not always find aspects of God’s Law easy to understand or even agreeable.

The Jubilee

October 28, 2010

A whole year without working! What would that be like?

The Other Side of Penance

The pursuit of holiness is a struggle - a mighty struggle.

Violence, it turns out, is not a European import to the New World.

But you don't fight sin with good intentions, wishful thinking, or a blind eye.

Guardians of the Tent

October 27, 2010


Paul likened pastors to the Levites of ancient Israel (1 Cor. 9), who were guardians of the tent and testimony of the Lord (Num. 1.53). In what sense are pastors "guardians" in the household of faith today? Are we not called to guard the Gospel and the ministry of the Word against those who would minimize or distort it? And what about the worship of God? Paul's lengthy instructions to the Corinthians concerning worship indicate that this, too, must be carefully guarded. The work of disciple-making, by which the saints are equipped to do the work of ministry (Eph. 4.11, 12); the work of shepherding God's flock (1 Pt. 5.1-3); the ministry itself, against those unfit for such a calling (Acts 8.9-24); and our own souls and teaching (1 Tim. 4.16).

In all these areas the Scriptures and the heritage of the Church present a rich trove of holy things that ministers must daily labor to guard.

If we fail to guard the household of God in each of these areas, the influences of contemporary culture, the winds of false doctrine, and the self-serving designs of false teachers will corrupt and consume the flock, and the glory of the Lord will depart His Church as surely as it departed Israel in the days of Ezekiel.

Pastors, are we faithful guardians of the tent and testimony of the Lord?

T. M. Moore

To Suffer With

October 26, 2010
...all prescriptions of penance are to be accompanied with prayers and tears...

That arta do it

October 27, 2010

Do we really think American artists are the best good will ambassadors for the nation?

True Penance

October 26, 2010
I think Columbanus reflects the very best aspect of the whole penitential component.

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