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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Name It!

It's God's gift and calling. Claim it.

The King over every place, over every height,
named each single constellation:
without doubt, according to due rights,
He named the twelve constellations...

  - Saltair na Rann, Irish, 9th-10th century[1]

The earth
is the LORD’s, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.

  - Psalm 24.1

He counts the number of the stars;
He calls them all by name.
is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding
is infinite.

  - Psalm 147.4, 5

God named the heavens and the earth, but He left it to Adam to name the creatures. God declared His ownership of heaven and earth by naming them, calling them what they are according to His plan and purpose. Likewise Adam, following God’s plan and purpose, was charged with naming the creatures.

Naming implies ownership, or at least, stewardship. It also expresses a desire to impart purpose and character to that which is named. Any parent who struggles with what to name an as-yet unborn child understands this.

Celtic Christians had a profound sense of appreciation for the created world. They fully believed God had given it to them to enjoy and to bring out its glory (Ps. 115.16). They wrote and sang about the creation, carved aspects of it into stone crosses, inked its creatures into illuminated manuscripts, built miracle stories around them, and rejoiced amid the abundance of God’s provision through creation. In all this, Celtic Christians were declaring the entire creation to be God’s gift, which they, receiving, offered up to the Lord in works of art, song, story, and worship.

God has given to each one of us a portion of His creation, a space, and everything within that space, which He intends us to receive as a gift, work as a steward, and offer back to Him as celebration of His goodness and glory. The earth is the Lord’s, and it has pleased Him to assign to you a portion of it as a staging-ground for seeking, realizing, and advancing His Kingdom.

Have you named this part of creation as your own Personal Mission Field?

Your Personal Mission Field is yours. No one else will work it for you. God has given it to no one else. It will prosper with Kingdom fruit or languish amid the tares of this world according to the measure of your faithfulness. It is your talent to invest, your field to cultivate, your treasure to increase with the coinage of grace and truth.

God has a purpose in mind for your Personal Mission Field. He intends His Kingdom to advance there (Is. 9.6, 7), His goodness to flourish there (Ps. 27.13), His Son to fill all things there (Eph. 4.10), disciples to be made there (Matt. 28.18-20), kindness to flow there (Eph. 4.32; Jn. 7.37-39), and His glory to be exalted there in all things (1 Cor. 10.31; Hab. 2.14).

And He is looking to you for this.

But He has not left you alone for this task. He has given you His Word to guide you, His Spirit to equip and empower you, and His Son to shine over and through you, His people to encourage you.

And be sure, my friend, of this: A day is coming when the Lord will demand an accounting of your stewardship of His precious gift and trust (Matt. 25.14-30).

Identify your Personal Mission Field. Name it as such: My Personal Mission Field! Declare it to be your calling within the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then join with Christ in His yoke to plow the ground, sow the furrows, cultivate the fields, and nurture the fruit of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit, as far as your Personal Mission Field extends.

For Reflection
1. Have you identified your Personal Mission Field? Are you working it daily?

2. What is your vision for the coming of the Kingdom in your Personal Mission Field?

Psalm 5.7, 8 (Meirionydd: O Savior, Precious Savior)
O Lord, Your lovingkindness escorts me in this place.
I bow before Your highness and praise Your glorious grace!
In righteous ways You guide me; Your pathway I will know.
No good will be denied me as I with Jesus go.

Lord, help me to receive this gift, to name it as my own, and to go with You daily to….

Personal Mission Field
Please watch this brief video (click here). Receive the gift of your Personal Mission Field. Name it as your own. And begin working it, in the strength of the Lord, with the joy and gladness He will supply.

Thank You
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T. M. Moore

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All Psalms for singing from
The Ailbe Psalter. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


[1] Carey, pp. 104, 105.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

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