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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Fear awry means love awry.
Self-love can don the guise of good works. Beware.
One sin leads to another.


March 21, 2017
Many traps and snares lie on this path.
Fear is first, but love is the greatest.
We must study to nurture the fear of God.
It's in our best interest to fear Him.
God knows we fear Him when He sees us obey.

Hating Sin

March 16, 2017
If we fear God, we will hate sin.
They who fear God delight in His Law.
Fearing God leads us into His pleasure.
We may not like it, but there it is.
Here is the power for right affections.
How can we improve our affections?
The heart and the mind work together.

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