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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Solomon used his experience to persuade his son. Too late. Ecclesiastes 2.18-23
All end up in the same place, so why try to be wise? Ecclesiastes 2.15-17

Glimmer of Hope

November 7, 2019
Use your head, not your sinful heart. Ecclesiastes 2.12-14
Guard your heart, or you will surely drift from the Lord. Ecclesiastes 2.9-11
Solomon developed an "I" problem. Ecclesiastes 2.4-8

Oil and Water

November 4, 2019
You can't have it both ways. Ecclesiastes 2.1-3

...Lost It

November 3, 2019
He lost sight of God, and he lost it. Ecclesiastes 1.17, 18

Had It...

November 2, 2019
He achieved and had it all. But not really. Ecclesiastes 1.16
Nothing satisfies under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1.14, 15
Solomon needed wisdom, and he knew where to get it. Ecclesiastes 1.12, 13

No Satisfaction

October 30, 2019
Under the sun, that is. Ecclesiastes 1.8-11
Where can we find meaning under the sun? Ecclesiastes 1.3-7
Is there nothing more to life than vanity? Ecclesiastes 1.1, 2
It takes grace to refresh the souls of others. Philemon 1.1-25

Faith Praying

October 26, 2019
Pray, then act like you believe it. Philemon 1.21-25

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