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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
It's an inward discipline. Psalm 119.9-16
It's so amazing, why wouldn't we want to learn it? Psalm 119.65-68

Word Power

June 16, 2022
What strength and comfort are in God's Law. Psalm 119.1-3
Not a burden, but life. Psalm 119.88
No contradictions here. Psalm 119.41, 42
God calls us to be immersed in His Word. Psalm 119.17-19
The work of Christ comes down to us. Acts 1.1-3; 28.30, 31
The ongoing work goes on. Acts 28.17-31
Paul is encouraged. Act 28.11-16
Ready for every good work. Acts 28.1-10
We're always safe in Jesus. Acts 27.27-44
Paul at work in his PMF. Acts 27.13-26
Paul begins the last few legs of his journey to Rome. Acts 27.1-12
So must we all be. Acts 24-26
Paul takes the stand. Acts 26.1-32

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