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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
You never know when people will notice.
Even when His priorities are far away.
We're not called to be reckless.
It's presumptuousness is noticeable.

Being Relaxed

October 12, 2018
It was one of St. Paul's greatest assets.
Even when we're paying attention, it can be to the wrong things.

Evil Traps

October 10, 2018
Recognise when you're being attacked.
We don't even expect the truth.
Plot twists are the norm for disciples.
Don't ignore conventional wisdom.
Listening to the gospel for all the wrong reasons is still listening to the gospel.
The conspirators get outfoxed.

Be Not Afraid

October 2, 2018
The secret to great confidence – and great witness.
Leave out key facts.

The Big Picture

September 28, 2018
Is something we can't see.

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