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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Voices Together

Psalm 9:3-10

When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish before your presence. For you have maintained my just cause; you have sat on the throne, giving righteous judgment. You have rebuked the nations; you have made the wicked perish; you have blotted out their name forever and ever. The enemy came to an end in everlasting ruins; their cities you rooted out; the very memory of them has perished. But the LORD sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for justice, and he judges the world with righteousness; he judges the peoples with uprightness. The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

You are my stronghold, You keep me safe from the onslaughts of the Evil One, You stand between me and sin, You strengthen me and empower me to resist the enemy, You cannot forsake me. I am Yours, now and forever. Praise Your Holy Name!

Today's readings in the Psalms:

Morning: Psalm 73

Mid-day: 119:105-112

Evening: Psalm 149

Voices Together is available as an annual daily devotional and can be purchased at the Fellowship Of Ailbe bookstore.

John Nunnikhoven

John Nunnikhoven is a member of The Fellowship of Ailbe and has begun working toward what, Lord willing, will become a re-awakening of the Church as a body directed into living the Kingdom in the here and now as it awaits the yet to come.
Books by John Nunnikhoven

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