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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

Praying the Psalms


28 May 2010

When thou recitest thy canonical hours...recite them thyself leisurely...Every verse of them that thou recitest, expound their texts minutely; speak in thine own character exactly, and fix on them thine entire understanding; then thou shalt receive thy request from the King of the stars...

- Anonymous, Life of Colman Eta (Irish, 17th century, from an earlier ms.)

And when they heard it they lifted their voices together to God and said, "Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them..."

- Acts 4.24

Try this sometime: When you're with a group of Christian friends, say loud enough for all to hear, "Hey, guys, let's sing a little praise to the Lord." Then just start singing, oh, "Amazing Grace." What do you think will happen? Of course, they'll all join in. Why? Because practically every Christian knows at least a little of that song.

So when Peter began to pray from Psalm 146, then Psalm 2, in front of the thousands to whom he and John were giving their report, they all "lifted their voices together" and joined the prayer. How could they do that? Because they had been raised praying the psalms - just as Celtic Christians learned to pray them.

Praying the psalms gives us a rich vocabulary, a wide range of subjects, and a degree of personal involvement in prayer that we can't get on our own. Moreover, letting the psalms be your guide in prayer - all of them, spread out over time - can bring more consistency and reality to your prayers. Christians in every generation have understood that the psalms are God's prayerbook for the Church. In our day we have set these prayers, hymns, and testimonies aside, preferring our prayer lists or, more likely, not to pray at all.

The Christian life requires the discipline of prayer. God has helped us toward attaining this goal by giving us His Psalms for our prayers. Why not take up a few of the ones that are more familiar to you, and begin letting them guide your prayers for a few weeks? Then add to them until, eventually, you're able to pray your way through the whole psalter. You'll find what Christians in every generation have found - here's a discipline of prayer that really gets through to the King of the Stars, and can change your life as a result.

Today in ReVision: Pay for Grades?

This Week's Download: A Personal Rule

If you haven't visited our book store, why not check it out?

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Then and There, Here and Now


31 May 2010

"I think it right," said Columcille, "to tell thee a difficulty of our own." "What is this difficulty?" said Colman, "for there is no one to whom it were more fitting for us to refer any difficulty that we may have, than to thee, for thou art three days of every week in heaven."

- Anonymous, Life of Colman Ela (Irish, 17th century, from an earlier ms.)

One thing I have asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.

- Psalm 27.4

We will meet Columcille more fully in June, when through him we focus on the life of disciple-making. The incident introduced by the above quote is not relevant to our concern here; the comment about Columcille is. He is said by Colman Ela to have spent three days of every week in heaven.

Now Columcille was a busy man - a scholar, evangelist, advisor to kings, a preacher and teacher to his monks at Iona and, for a time, Derry. How could a man keep up the kind of regimen he did, with the kind of effects he had, if he were not motivated by a larger-than-life vision and carried along by a power far beyond his own strength?

This is the hagiographer's point: Columcille was a man of fervent prayer and fairly constant meditation. He practically lived before the throne of Christ, so thoroughly had he disciplined himself in seeking the Lord and practicing His presence. The vision of Christ exalted and the power of His reign which he gained through that discipline, and the strength of Spirit that flowed to and through him as he took up his daily tasks, enabled Columcille to accomplish much more than all his contemporaries.

That same vision and power is available to us. If, here and now, we would have a clearer understanding of what our lives can be, and how the world can be transformed for righteousness, peace, and joy; and if we would know real spiritual power for working tirelessly toward such improvement in our selves and our times, then we must spend more time, and better time, in the "then and there" - before the throne of King Jesus, praying, meditating, humbling ourselves, and waiting.

Renewed in the presence of Jesus we can gain the kind of vision and power that will allow us to go "exceeding abundantly beyond" whatever we've known before in living for the Kingdom (Eph. 3.20). But we must earnestly desire this, above anything else, or we will never know what God might do through us as we follow Him day by day.

Today in ReVision: Better Railings - God's Law is about to be vindicated for all the world to see.

This Week's Download: A Personal Rule

Don't forget: This ministry depends on your gifts. If our work is helpful to you, please visit our website and make a donation by clicking on the donate button. Or send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA 20158.

Register in the box at the right to receive Crosfigell five days a week on your computer desktop.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Theology in Verse

June 01, 2010

Theology in Verse

June/Training for Mission

1 June 2010

The exalted Creator, Ancient of Days, and Unbegotten One was without a first beginning, or a foundation; He is, and He will be for unending ages. His only-begotten Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are coeternal with Him in the everlasting glory of Godhead. We do not assert that there are three gods, but speak of one God, retaining our faith in the three most glorious Persons.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

...and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

- 2 Timothy 2.2

This month we'll be looking at Columcille, the first of the great Irish missionary/monks, founder of the monastery on Iona, off the northwest coast of Scotland. Exiled there for reasons that are still something of a mystery, Columcille became a great evangelist, pastor, and trainer of missionaries.

His core beliefs are captured in the poem, Altus Prosator. It's a powerful poem, set in perfect meter and rhyme (I'm not reproducing that, obviously), and it concisely summarizes the whole of the divine economy and the Christian worldview. Altus Prosator means "Exalted First-Sower," and as God sowed His Word to the world, so would thousands of faithful Celtic missionaries do all over Europe, from training centers such as Iona, Bangor, Clonfert, and Lindisfarne.

But why poetry? Why not a book of theology or a handbook on how to do missions? Columcille knew - as God does - that poetry is much more pleasant to learn (you can reproduce the meter and rhyme scheme of Altus by singing the hymn, "Children of the Heavenly Father). Further, it reaches, transforms, and moves the affections more powefully than narrative. And it can be easily remembered and, so, easily passed along.

We're not much into poetry these days - our loss, alas. The Celtic Christians knew how powerfully poetry can affect us, and they, following the example of Columcille, used it with far-ranging and far-reaching results. In the "Every Thought Captive" column on our website, I'm using heroic couplets to tell the story of Satan's downfall at the hand of Christ (this week's installment: Portent).

We'll be considering several of Columcille's poems this month. I'm putting them together into a little book which will be available at the end of the month. For now, why not email this edition of Crosfigell to a friend, and begin the study together of Altus Prosator? As you can see from this first stanza, Columcille was as solid as the Church Fathers or any Reformer when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity. Can you see the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds in this first stanza, cited above?

Today in ReVision: Better Railings - The Law of God is written on the hearts of all people, as we shall see.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Pastor, here's a free tool to use in assessing your ministry - if you dare.

Have you read Fault Lines yet? Here are lively poems which carry sound instruction. Visit our book store for your copy. And don't forget to read the "Kingdom Civics" column - Desiring the Kingdom - while you're there.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

He Created Angels

June 02, 2010

He Created Angels

June/Training for Mission

2 June 2010

He created the good that the goodness and majesty of the Trinity, in all the largesse of its munificence, might not be idle, but might have heavenly dignities in which, with a potent utterance, it could be mightily manifest.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

Of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire."

- Hebrews 1.7

Columcille wants us to understand not merely that God created the angels, but why. God's purpose in creating the angels is the same as His purpose in creating all things: that He might manifest His magnificent goodness, munificence, and glory.

Remember, God is altogether holy, lovely and loving, and perfect within Himself. He needs no other creatures, nothing external to Himself. His motive in creating the world - in creating us - could only have been to express His goodness, manifest the wonder of His beauty, and spread His glory among the creatures, that they, too, might share in His being, joy, grandeur, delight, and love.

So Columcille accomplishes two objectives in this second stanza - to assert the reality of angels (very important to Celtic Christians) and to celebrate God's reason for making anything at all. He seems almost to be saying, in response to the hypothetical question, Why am I here?, that God has made us for Himself, to give Himself to us, draw us into Himself, share Himself with us, so that we, in Him, might partake of His being and joy, forever.

This purpose is spread before us every day. God calls us to partake of Him, by clinging to His precious and magnificent promises, realized most fully in Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 1.4). If you could really do that today, and every day, wouldn't it be just the most wonderful, most glorious way to live?

Today in ReVision: Engulfed - The President needs our prayers.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry- Here's a tool, pastor, to use in evaluating your ministry.

Order your copy of Fault Lines from our book store today.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As Satan Was Falling

June/Training for Mission

3 June 2010

From the summit of the kingdom of heaven, of the habitation of angels, puffed up by the brilliance of his [own] splendour, by the beauty of his [own] appearance, Lucifer had fallen...

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

And he said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."

- Luke 10.18

The Greek of Jesus' words could be translated, "I was watching Satan fall like lightning from heaven." The disciples had come back from their mission amazed that "even the demons" were subject to them. How could that be? Jesus' answer said it all: He was there when Satan was cast out. He had power over the devil, and He extended that power to His disciples.

Beyond that, Jesus demonstrated His power over the devil during the temptation in the wilderness (Matt. 4.1-11). Here was Jesus, at His weakest, and Satan in all his strength. Yet Jesus dispatched him with ease: "one little word shall fell him!" Later, Jesus explained that He had bound the devil and was plundering his holdings, taking back souls, cultures, and whole societies, and reconciling all things back to God.

Columcille wanted his students to know that God's power was with them; Satan could not harm or impede them when they went in the power of Jesus, obedient to His Word. And go they did - by the hundreds and thousands. Fearless witnesses for Christ from all over Ireland, they re-evangelized almost all of Europe, and the devil could do nothing to stop them.

Where are such witnesses in our day? Where are the pastors who are training their people to go boldly in the Name of Jesus, unafraid of the devil, much less mere men, to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom and liberate lost souls into the Kingdom of light? Why don't our pastors teach, train, and send us for this any more? Do they lack the vision of Columcille?

Or do they lack the confidence in Him Who was watching, as Satan was cast down to earth and, later, bound?

Today in ReVision: Engulfed - We need to pray for the Gulf, and for the President.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Pastors, check yourself out with this little tool.

Pray for us as we finish up our ministry plan for the coming year. More on that later. For now, check out our book store when you can.

And if you want to follow the downfall of Satan, check out each week's installment of Every Thought Captive at the website, where we're charting his defeat in his own words. Current installment: Portent.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The True Struggle

June 04, 2010

The True Struggle

June/Training for Mission

4 June 2010

The great Dragon, worst of all, terrible and ancient...dragged a third part of the stars with him into the abyss of the infernal places...

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon...His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to earth.

- Revelation 12.3, 4

Columcille was very wise in preparing men for mission among the various pagan and backslidden Christian populations of Scotland and beyond. He knew that the real struggle was not with local kings, pagan shamans, or compromised priests and bishops. The real struggle is, and always will be, spiritual.

Our enemy is clever, and he knows us very well. While he's not omnipresent, he has plenty of henchmen at his disposal to do his bidding against us. And, while Satan has been bound, so that we can effectively resist and banish him, he's still quite powerful, because he knows just how to approach each of us.

We are vulnerable to temptation and sin; the moment we think we aren't, we're in trouble. We must never forget that our real struggle, our ultimate campaign, is not against atheists, evolutionists, progressives, secularists, Muslims, or any other human actors. We are in a spiritual struggle, and we can only make progress in this fight when we arm ourselves with the right weaponry and engage the enemy in the power of God's Word and Spirit.

This requires daily readiness, constant vigilance, and courage to oppose spiritual forces of wickedness with spiritual power from God's Word. If we ever lose sight of our true enemy, we will end up wasting our energies on fruitless combats. Of course, we must stand up for Truth at every turn, and expose the Lie of our enemy no matter its form. But at the end of the day, let us never forget: our struggle is against spiritual forces of wickedness in high places, and our only hope and power is through God's Word, prayer, and simple obedience.

Today in ReVision: "Comprehensive" - When you hear that word, listen up.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - How you can begin to know more of it, right here, free of charge.

Stop by our book store and see what's available to help you in your walk and your ministry.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Creator of Stars

June 07, 2010

Creator of Stars

June/Training for Mission

7 June 2010

At the same time that the stars, the lights of the ether were made, the angels all praised the Lord, the Maker of heavenly things...out of love and free will, not simply from inborn nature.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

Give thanks to the Lord of him who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures forever.

- Psalm 136.3, 7

I recall once asking a men's group why we should praise the Lord. There was a long silence, then one man spoke up, "Well, I praise the Lord," he said rather meekly, "for all the kind and loving things He does for me each day." "But what if He never did anything kind and loving for you? Would He still be worthy of your praise?" Hmmm.

The angels praised the Lord because they saw in Him the perfection of beauty, power, wisdom, and steadfast love, in the face of which they simply could not keep silent. It's interesting to note that, in Columcille's understanding, the creation of the spiritual realm was all completed before the first material creatures were called into existence. The Scriptures do not mention the creation of the angels, except, perhaps in the broad-brush reference to the "hosts" God created during this period (Gen. 2.1).

He Who created the stars, which caused all ancient peoples to wonder and fear, and He Whom the angels praised out of a free will, is certainly worthy of the praise and devotion of those men Columcille was preparing for mission. He mentions in this stanza that the angels sang their praise to God; this is one reason poetry and singing were so important to Celtic Christians: they felt that proper praise should be artfully given with the whole mind, heart, and body. Music and poetry made this possible.

The Creator of the stars is worthy of our praise, not because of what He does for us, but because of Who He is. And the more we draw close to Him, day by day, and come to know Him as He is, the more we, like the angels, will find ourselves living in praise of Him. The Lord inhabits the praises of His people, as even the suffering Savior knew (Ps. 22.3). Let us therefore praise Him with angels, praise Him with poetry and song.

Today in ReVision: On Schedule - The recovery is proceeding just as the President planned.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Pastors, check out your own faithfulness, and discover some ways you can improve. It's free.

Our book store is open for business. Keep watching as we are preparing some new resources to help you in your walk with the Lord.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


June 08, 2010


June/Training for Mission

8 June 2010

Frail men would be stupefied with fear at the horror of their faces and the sound of their flight, not being able with bodily vision to behold those things which are now tied in bundles in the knotted bonds of dungeons.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment...

- 1 Peter 2.4

Columcille is referring to the binding of Satan and his angels, the restraint imposed on them by the Lord Jesus Christ through the Word of God. He continues to set the stage properly for the call to mission. The prospect of being sent out into pagan lands must have been somewhat intimidating, but Columcille wanted them to be sure they knew that nothing could stand in their way when they went in the Name of Jesus.

Jesus bound the devil at the temptation in the wilderness, and reflected on this event in his answer to the religious leaders of the day in Matthew 12.22-29. With Satan bound, his holdings - the souls and cultures of men - were wide open to be plundered by the servants of the Lord. Columcille could send his disciples out in the confidence that, while the devil had not been rendered entirely harmless (1 Pet. 5.8), those who go in the faith of Jesus and trusting in His Word have nothing to fear.

And what about us? Does the prospect of talking with others about our Lord Jesus Christ fill us with excitement or dread? Do we fear men and shy away from bringing the Gospel up for their consideration? If so, the devil has already accomplished all he could ever hope to achieve with us.

The devil is bound and bundled. Why should we allow ourselves to be? Why should we be restrained in our speech, our witness, and challenge to others to consider the claims of Jesus Christ? We are free in the Lord and His Spirit, imbued with power from on high to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. Let's not get our roles confused: the devil is bound and bundled; we are free and filled with power to make the Name of Jesus known and to proclaim the glory of His Kingdom!

Today in ReVision: On Schedule - The economic recovery is proceeding apace, or so the President would have us believe.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Download it for free and evaluate your ministry at present.

In the book store you'll find a growing raft of resources to help you know the fullness of your liberty in Christ.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Whom to Fear

June 09, 2010

Whom to Fear

June/Training for Mission

9 June 2010

Plucked from the midmost place, he was hurled down by the that men should not...commit fornication before the eyes of all.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him...

- Deuteronomy 10.12

We don't hear much talk these days about fearing the Lord. Even though God requires it of us. Now if God requires that we fear Him, and links fearing Him with walking in His ways, loving Him, and serving Him, don't you think that His servants who minister His Word should spend a little more time instructing the rest of us in the hows and whys of this important affection?

Columcille taught his monks to fear the Lord. As the Lord had lashed out in fury against the rebellion of Satan, and cast him from his lofty place to the depths of the abyss, so God can bring rebellious sinners under the pains of His discipline. So great is His love for us that He will not simply sit by and allow us to ruin our lives and the lives of others with unacknowledged sin. He will bear down on us unpleasantly, until we repent (Heb. 12.1-11).

If we fear the devil we will be timid in the ways of the Lord. If we fear the Lord we will walk in His favor and strength, and nothing and no one will be able to stand against us as we carry the banner of the Kingdom into every area of our lives. If we fear men we will not fear God; if we fear God we will love men and so persuade them to fear and love the Lord as well.

It comes down, then, to whom you will fear. Whom do you fear right now, this moment, as you think of the day ahead? The devil? He is bound and bundled. The people to whom you've been sent as a witness? All they can do is kill you - but they probably won't. The Lord? Fear the Lord and no devil and no man can keep you from your mission. Fear the Lord, and rejoice in Him!

Today in ReVision: Good as New - No, Better! - Ken Salazar must have a miracle up his sleeve.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Get a copy of this free brochure and give it to your pastor. He'll thank you for it.

Just a reminder that we depend on your gifts to keep our ministry going. Go to the website,, and click on the donate button, or send your tax-exempt contribution to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA 20158. And thanks for standing with us.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ruler of Kings

June 10, 2010

Ruler of Kings

June/Training for Mission

10 June 2010

The frail, oppressive, and fleeting glory of the kings of the present world is laid low by God's will.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator

"Listen to me, you who know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear not the reproach of man, nor be dismayed at their revilings."

- Isaiah 51.7

Let's remember that Columcille, who wrote the poem, Altus Prosator, for the monks under his care on the island of Iona, was in the business of mission, and of training men to take the Gospel to faraway places. In those days petty rulers owned all the land, and if you wanted to set up a preaching station, you had to have the approval of the local authority. Many a Celtic missionary was subjected to red martyrdom by kings who didn't like what they heard.

At this point in his poem, Columcille has effectively nullified the devil's terror over his trainees. Now he wants to assure them that they have nothing to fear from the kings of the earth. The God they serve, and Whose Kingdom they are going forth to announce, rules the kings of the earth and brings them low when they try to oppose His will. Yes, some may know hardship in the process of advancing the Kingdom; however, ultimately the God Who made all things and bound the devil will flex His power over the oppressors of men as well.

When you think of initiating a conversation with someone in your Personal Mission Field, a conversation that you intend to direct toward the Gospel - how does that make you feel? Hesitant? Filled with trepidation? Fearful? The God Who rules the kings of the earth rules the hearts and minds of the people to whom He has sent us. He is readying many of them for the Good News of His Kingdom and His Son. And He has commissioned us to the task.

"Fear not the reproach of man, nor be dismayed at their revilings." What can they do to us that is so fearful it would prevent us from telling them the Good News of Jesus?

Today in ReVision: Good as New - No, Better!

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


June 11, 2010



11 June 2010

By the divine powers of the great God the globe of the earth is suspended, and the circle of the great abyss set, held up by God, by the mighty hand of the Omnipotent.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.

- Hebrews 1.3

Once the meaning and implications of the sovereignty of God and Jesus Christ begin to become real to you, your faith will change forever. You think you know the love of Christ, because you feel forgiven and you know He looks down on you with favor. Indeed. But if that's all you know of the love of Christ, it's no wonder your prayer life is so paltry.

Even as you take mild offense at that last sentence, the Lord upholds the photons of light streaming off the computer screen into your eyes, where, by His continuous sovereignty, He translates light into electricity and chemistry, speeding it along the neurons of your brain where, by some miracle of spiritual existence, meaning comes through. Every breath you take, every molecule and atom of your body, of the chair in which you're seated and the room around you is there, and remains there, because Jesus holds it in place. He loves you that much.

And even when you aren't thinking about Him, He never takes His eye off you, never withdraws His personal attention to all your needs, never fails to dispatch His angels to guard you or to direct His Spirit in how to guide you. He is with you always, sovereignly and lovingly doing all things well and working all things together for your good. If you love Him.

He is sovereign. Don't fret the small stuff. Don't worry about the unknown. Don't lose sight of His mission and purpose for you. He is sovereign and He will never fail you nor forsake you. With that message burned into the depths of their souls, young Irish monks felt fires of love igniting for Jesus, and they went by the thousands into unknown cultures and lands to declare the message that Jesus is sovereign, and that He loves us.

If only that message would work for us.

Today in ReVision: Count on It - The churches will be there to help in the Gulf.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Get a copy for your pastor. Will he thank you? He should.

And stop by the book store. Come on in, we have some very useful resources and more coming on line soon.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Tree of Life

June 14, 2010

The Tree of Life

June/Training for Mission

14 June 2010

We read in the most noble opening of Genesis that Paradise was planted by the Lord in the beginning, from whose spring the four rivers flow, and in whose flowering midst is the tree of life whose leaves, bringing health to the peoples, do not fall, and whose fertile delights cannot be told.

- Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century)

...also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

- Revelation 22.2

This excerpt demonstrates both the poetical power and theological acumen of Columcille. In one stanza he collapses all of history - creation to new creation - and all of Scripture - Genesis 1, 2 to Revelation 22 - into a single idea, organized around the Tree of Life. This is the way God sees creation, time, history, and His redemptive economy - collapsed into a solid, rhythmic space where all His decrees come to pass in His way and time.

Note too the change in verb tenses - from "was" in the first part of the stanza to "do not fall" and "cannot be told" (present tenses) at the end. Columcille has brought all of God's original design for the creation forward to the present, along with all the future hope of the new heavens and new earth. This emphasizes the certainty of what God has promised and will do.

Imagine how such a way of thinking of the whole of history would have encouraged and emboldened a young recruit preparing to go off on mission! God's will is perfect and sure! What He has ordained cannot fail! And we are commissioned and privileged to carry this glorious Good News to the world! No wonder those thousands of young people didn't fail!

Friends, our vision is simply too small. We tend to see the life of faith only in terms of what's in it for us; how is trusting Jesus going to help me today? But the faith of Christ is a faith for all times, all people, all healing, and all fruitfulness. We are the ambassadors of that faith to the world, beginning in our own Personal Mission Fields. Let us be encouraged by the example of our forebears and the certainty of God's Word to go in Jesus' Name with the greatest news anyone could ever hope to hear!

To whom will you take this Good News today?

Today in ReVision: The False Hope of Politics - Meanwhile, no change in government will heal what ails this nation.

This Week's Download: Faithfulness in Ministry - Pastor, make some copies of this for your pastor friends, and sit down and discuss it together.

Get your copy of The Legacy of Patrick and discover how the Celtic revival can enlarge your vision for the life of faith.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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