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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Bruce Van Patter

As a freelance illustrator, graphic recorder, and author, Bruce is on a lifelong journey to delight in the handiwork of the Creator. And he’s always ready for fellow travelers.

Snakes in the garden

August 15, 2023

I never expected to find them here.

Angels among us

August 07, 2023

The wings draw me.

This sanctuary calls to mind the end of the world.

It’s a striking reminder of where we’re headed.

Birds of a feather

July 18, 2023

A unifying purpose is powerful.

A man walks into a bar.

Too grand to handle

June 30, 2023

I’ve never been in an emptier place.

This park speaks to what we long for.

Round and round

April 28, 2023

 The ride that never ends.

Thankfully, it’s not hyacinth.

The scars of heaven

March 31, 2023

Eternal reminders of his grace.

Keep on

March 21, 2023

There’s a lesson in the seeking.

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