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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Light? Me? Now?

Where will you shine your light today?

Do Thou, Christ, deign to kindle our lamps, our Saviour most sweet to us, that they may shine continually in Thy temple, and receive perpetual light from Thee the Light perpetual, so that our darkness may be enlightened, and yet the world's darkness may be driven from us.

 - Columbanus, Sermon XII (Irish, 7th century)

"You are the light of the world."

  - Matthew 5.13

We cannot be the light of the world, shining the grace of the Kingdom perpetually into the darkness of our unbelieving age, until that light first kindles in our soul a new vision and purpose for our lives.

We belong to Jesus; you are not your own. He died to purchase us, rose again to redeem us, and reigns to sanctify and send us. We are the Light of the world. But we need light to purify our thoughts, hearts, and priorities, or we will never shine the light of Christ on the people around us each day.

Here is a call from Columbanus to immerse ourselves in the Light of God - to devote much time and focus to the Word of God, to prayer, to waiting on the Lord. We need the Light of Christ to ignite our souls and to light our way each day, so that we may follow Him as the light of the world.

Light? Me? Now?

You bet. And every day hereafter. But only as we dwell in Christ, so that His mind, heart, and values become ours as well.

We are redeemed to be the light of the world. Let us come to the Light of Jesus daily, that He might fill us with light and send us with light and use us as light to dispel the darkness of unbelief and usher in the brightening dawn of the Kingdom of God.

Where will you shine your light today?

T. M. Moore, Principal

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T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

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