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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

Our First Duty

December 17, 2010

What's ahead of you in the next moment?

More Than Brain Waves

December 16, 2010

The science of neurotheology hopes to provide insight to the nature of religious experience.

Focused on His Love

December 16, 2010


For He created us to this end, that ever reigning with Him, we should praise Him unto ages of ages, and continually give thanks to Him. Therefore, knowing these things, under no toils, no trials let us fail, by no sorrows let us be conquered, by no wars fatigued, let us be moved from our place by no agonies of discipline, again let us be distracted by no blandishments, beguiled by no charms, and let us say with the Apostle's voice, May no one and nothing separate us from the love of Christ.

  - Columbanus, Sermon IV (Irish, 7th century)

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  - Romans 8.38, 39

Were there ever more reassuring, comforting, or emboldening words than these? The love of God in Christ Jesus flows toward us unceasingly, holding our bodies and souls together, infusing us with vibrant power, sustaining and growing us, and all irrespective of whether or not we acknowledge His steadfast love and faithfulness.

But acknowledge we should, as Columbanus well knew, and focus on it as often as we may. For the love of God is our strength, our hope, our joy, our confidence, and all our wisdom for every aspect of our lives.

And why should it be that God should love us? Only because of Jesus, because of what He has done in fulfilling all righteousness and bearing all wrath for us, miserable sinners and wretched ingrates. We are loved not because of who we are, but in spite of it. The love of God in Christ Jesus is thus pure love, for it flows in response to no promptings or promises, it surrounds and sustains us simply because it pleases the One Who loves us so to do.

We are loved by One Whose love will not be deterred. Nothing can separate us from His love, now or ever. Here is reason for rejoicing and giving thanks, not just today, not just during this Advent season, but always, in all situations, and with ever-increasing fervor and sincerity.

Rejoice, friends, and give thanks: We are loved.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

Thanks to all who have sent suggestions for our Campaign for Christian Literacy. We'll be ramping up right after the beginning of the New Year. If you have ideas about how we can encourage and assist our non-reading brethren to take up this important work, we're still willing to receive them. Write to me at the address below.

Congress is at it again, scorning the voters and shoring up their base by attaching 6,000 earmarks to an omnibus spending bill. When will we ever learn? Check out today's ReVision.

Our new online evangelism seminar is taking off. Pastor, how would you like to enlist every member of your church in the work of reaching the lost in your community? This course can show you how - and help you get it done. Write me today. The course is so new we haven't even got it up on the website yet, but I'll be happy to give you a call and chat about it.

Thanks again for your gifts. We're pleased to know that you find this ministry a help to you in some way. Your gifts express your gratitude to God and appreciation for our work, and we rejoice in the Lord's goodness through you. Click the donate button or send your tax-deductible gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA, 20158.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Wherefore let us know nothing more profitable for ourselves than to examine ourselves daily, every day of our life reviewing that dubious life, and keeping account of our words and thoughts, and shuddering at human life, to ponder without ceasing this aforesaid end of that roadway, that is of our life, while we spurn all the pleasures of this world.

  - Columbanus, Sermon IX (Irish, 7th century)

Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace.

  - 2 Peter 3.14

Peter urged his readers to live in the present with a view to the coming new heavens and new earth (vv. 11-13). Because we anticipate living in eternal glory, we should be preparing for it here and now, laying aside everything that is not conducive to honoring God, and taking up all that is.

We should live in the present in the light of the future - live according to our vision of what is yet to come. Columbanus urged the same thing. The Christian's great hope is to know the glory of God finally, uninterruptedly, full-on, and forever in the new heavens and new earth. But we also live in the hope of that glory here and now - to engage God in glory through the disciplines by which we seek Him, and to live for His glory in every area of our lives. The clearer and more compelling our vision of the glory that is to be, the more consistent and shining will be our experience and expression of God's glory here and now.

There is no substitute for meditating on God's Word to enlarge our vision of what is yet to be and to equip us to live according to that vision here and now. Meditation takes time and concentration, but it can have powerful effects in bringing us into the presence of God's glory and furnishing us to live for His glory in our daily lives. Do you have enough time for meditation in your spiritual tool kit?

There's no time like the present to begin making room for this vision-stretching discipline.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

Thanks to all who have sent suggestions for our Campaign for Christian Literacy. We'll be ramping up right after the beginning of the New Year. If you have ideas about how we can encourage and assist our non-reading brethren to take up this important work, we're still willing to receive them. Write to me at the address below.

Congress is at it again, scorning the voters and shoring up their base by attaching 6,000 earmarks to an omnibus spending bill. When will we ever learn? Check out today's ReVision.

Our new online evangelism seminar is taking off. Pastor, how would you like to enlist every member of your church in the work of reaching the lost in your community? This course can show you how - and help you get it done. Write me today. The course is so new we haven't even got it up on the website yet, but I'll be happy to give you a call and chat about it.

Thanks again for your gifts. We're pleased to know that you find this ministry a help to you in some way. Your gifts express your gratitude to God and appreciation for our work, and we rejoice in the Lord's goodness through you. Click the donate button or send your tax-deductible gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA, 20158.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scornful, not Stupid

December 14, 2010

Changing hearts requires stronger stuff than ballots.

Looking on What Shall Be

December 14, 2010

The Christian life is never as good as it gets.

Revealed in His Wonders

December 13, 2010


With grace the bright King of mysteries has revealed to us every wonder, that through them we may understand him - a bright protection - and through the multitude of his miracles.

  - Anonymous, Saltair na Rann (Irish, 9th or 10th century)

Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and merciful.

  - Psalm 111.3, 4

The works of the Lord in creation and culture are a "second book of revelation" by which those who know Him may grow to know Him better. God is making Himself known through the things He has made. Everywhere His majesty, splendor, wisdom, power, goodness, and faithfulness are on display. And, as the psalmist says, the works of the Lord are "studied by all who delight in them" (v. 2).

There is so much to learn about the steadfast love and faithfulness of God from the humblest of creatures. Materialists insist that the universe holds together by its own inherent laws - this causes that which results in this and affects that over there. Because the rationalist is able to posit a "law" for every action and reaction, he feels no need for God. The cosmos can take care of itself.

But there is nothing "automatic" about the creation. The Scriptures teach that God Who made the cosmos upholds it all by His Word of power. If for only a moment He were to withdraw His hand from any part or portion, it would simply cease to exist. Hidden throughout the vast cosmos are hints and tokens of divine goodness, wisdom, and might, and God calls on us, His royal priesthood, to search them out, delight in them, know Him in them, and search them out all the more (Prov. 25.2).

The unseen God becomes clear and close when we seek Him in the things He has made. Yes, this takes time. It also requires some study, contemplation, conversation with others, and waiting on the Lord in silence. But once have that magnificent glory emerge from some object of the creation on which you've fixed your attention, and you will never fail to see it again. The unseen through the seen breaks into our experience, affirming His presence and love and enlarging our vision of the vast cosmos and the everywhere-present love of God.

Have you discovered the Lord in the things He has made? He's waiting for you there.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

Speaking of naturalist science, it's good for them, every now and then, to have to face up to the religious nature of their enterprise, as I point out in today's ReVision.

Our new online evangelism seminar is taking off. Pastor, how would you like to enlist every member of your church in the work of reaching the lost in your community? This course can show you how - and help you get it done. Write me today. The course is so new we haven't even got it up on the website yet, but I'll be happy to give you a call and chat about it.

Thanks again for your gifts. We're pleased to know that you find this ministry a help to you in some way. Your gifts express your gratitude to God and appreciation for our work, and we rejoice in the Lord's goodness through you. Click the donate button or send your tax-deductible gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA, 20158.

T. M. Moore, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Just the Facts?

December 12, 2010

Christians, at least, admit that our worldview is based on faith.

Adultery (3)

December 19, 2010

Adultery (3)--Our duty is to understand as far as we can and to obey in the power of God’s Spirit (Ezek. 36.26, 27).

Adultery (2)

December 18, 2010

Adultery (2)--This statute is especially important for us today in understanding how to apply the Law of God to the believing community...

Adultery (1)

December 17, 2010

Adultery (1)--we must not “wink” at adultery.

Uncovering Nakedness (4)

December 16, 2010

Uncovering Nakedness (4)--In recent years, as in other generations prior to ours, sexual sin has compromised and undermined the Church’s witness to the world.

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In the face of this relentless information storm, this is no time for Christians to give up on reading. We need to equip ourselves to weather this information storm, and The Fellowship of Ailbe wants to help.