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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
No trouble when God does it.
This is the work of God's Spirit, and the goal of His shepherds.
How violent is your Kingdom-seeking?
We can't live to Christ if we don't first die to self.
This must be our goal.
Shepherding God's flock begins in your own soul.
Disciple-making requires accountability.


June 24, 2017
What is the heartbeat of your church?

On Guard!

June 23, 2017
We need to guard against the devil's wiles.
Imitation is more than just the greatest form of flattery.
Time together can mean growth together.
We cannot make disciples in class rooms alone.
To disciple people, we must be with them.
Equip them to serve, right where they are.
Ministry is just the Christian's way of life.

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In the face of this relentless information storm, this is no time for Christians to give up on reading. We need to equip ourselves to weather this information storm, and The Fellowship of Ailbe wants to help.