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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Judas and Ananias - bad names, right? Wrong.
It's the name game, all week long, in Acts 9.
The joy of salvation and the Kingdom heads to Ethiopia.
Jesus' promise is right on schedule.
Phillip and the apostles reaped what Jesus had sown.
The Gospel can't be bought or sold.
People are impressed by signs and wonders, saved by the Word.
Persecuted, but not silenced.
Violence breaks out upon the Church. Just as Jesus had promised.
The Lord received His faithful servant to glory.
Stephen indicted
Stephen piled Scripture on Scripture.
Stephen's witness was grounded in the Word.
Stephen's witness overpowered his opponents.
Unity in love proves the reality of the Kingdom.

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