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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
There are people whom I find it a good deal of trouble to love.
Have you looked upon the face of Jesus yet today? The keenness of profoundest contemplation, on the other hand, once it has perceived the countenance of the truth, neither hesitates, nor slips, nor is ever darkened by any cloud.   - Eriugena, Homily on John 1.1-14 (Irish, 9th century) For…
It would be impossible to measure the depths of God's love for us.
What do you expect as a follower of Christ today?
We need learned pastors who will proclaim the will of the Lord.
He has found a holy treasury in the holy book,/he has prophetically seen the Saviour's Godhead in the flesh.   - Sechnall, Audite Omnes Amantes (Irish,  5th century) "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out…
I know politics and government are important. But...
The devil will be after you today, count on it.
Why is it so hard to know this presence?
Simple prayers are very often the best prayers.
Spiritual Vision Rejecting birth according to the corruptible body, these chose the second birth, which is spiritual. They tread underfoot the world that is below and ascend to the world that is above. Leaving behind the shadows of ignorance and death, they yearn for the light of wisdom and life.…
What does it mean to "participate" in the blood and body of Christ?
The creation groans and labors under the burden of human sin.
How do you grow in the fear of God?
The Christian mandate is simple and clear.

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