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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Being a soul friend is a two-way street.

Think to Act

September 28, 2010
Christian education today is largely an information-transfer affair...

Teach the Young

September 27, 2010
Yours is the duty of instructing the young...
What does it mean to "learn" something?

Tuned in?

September 22, 2010
Remember the old Gospel song, "Turn Your Radio On"?
Let us sing the songs which the devout have always sung...

When you fast?

September 20, 2010
Fasting and penance should have primacy among your bodily habits.


September 17, 2010
Be faithful to the commands of God at all times.
Today you will rub shoulders with giants.

How Long to Pray

September 15, 2010
The extent of your prayer should be until tears come.

Get Ready

September 14, 2010
Living in community like this, being constantly encouraged to live for Christ, could be challenging - maybe even a little annoying.
Have a few devout men who will discuss God and the Scriptures with you...

No One Else

September 10, 2010
You must yourself strive for holiness if you wish your soul to be bright as the swan.
Follow the footsteps of the elders in the path of the freedom...
The service of the Lord is light, wonderful, and pleasant.

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