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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Finally, the reports about Columban spread to the court of King Sigibert...
The Influence of Piety August/Peregrinatio 11 August 2010 The holy man was reverenced with so great gratitude that where he remained for a time in a house, all hearts were resolved to practice the faith more strictly. - The Monk Jonas, Life of St. Columban (Italian, 7th century) And there…
The Might of Virtue August/Peregrinatio 10 August 2010 Modesty and moderation, meekness and mildness adorned them all in equal measure. The evils of sloth and dissension were banished. Pride and haughtiness were expiated by severe punishments. Scorn and envy were driven out by faithful diligence. So great was the might…
Preached and Lived August/Peregrinatio 9 August 2010 Everywhere that he went the noble man preached the Gospel. And it pleased the people because his teaching was adorned by eloquence and enforced by examples of virtue...So great was his humility and that of his followers, that just as the children of…


August 6, 2010
Embark August/Peregrinatio 6 August 2010 Having collected a band of brethren, St. Columban asked the prayers of all...and, under the guidance of Christ, went to the seashore with twelve companions. Here they waited to see if the mercy of the Almighty would allow their purpose to succeed, and learned that…


August 5, 2010
Kindled? August/Peregrinatio 5 August 2010 After he had been many years in the cloister he longed to go into strange lands... Accordingly he confessed to the venerable father, Comgall, the burning desire of his heart and the longing enkindled by the fire of the Lord, concerning which the Lord says,…
Crucified with Christ August/Peregrinatio 4 August 2010 Then he endeavoured to enter a society of monks and went to the monastery of Banchor. The abbot, the holy Comgall, renowned for his virtues, was a faithful father to his monks and was held in high esteem for the fervour of his…
Mentored Well August/Peregrinatio 3 August 2010 When [Columbanus] left his native place, he betook himself to a holy man named Senilis, who at this time was distinguished among his countrymen for his unusual piety and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. And when the holy man saw that St. Columban had…
Wanderers for Christ August/Peregrinatio 2 August 2010 St. Columban...was born on the island of Ireland...Here lives the race of the Scots, who, although they lack the laws of other nations, flourish in the doctrine of Christian strength, and exceed in faith all the neighbouring tribes. - The Monk Jonas, Life…
Most Prudent July/Holiness 30 July 2010 Who is most prudent? He who praises before death what he fears after death. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.Rather fear him who can destroy both soul…
Desire of God July/Holiness 29 July 2010 Desire of God grows in one when worldly desire decays. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. - Psalm 37.4 Two things about the so-called "prosperity…
Where Wisdom Begins July/Holiness 28 July 2010 Wisdom without learning is better than learning without wisdom. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practiceit have a good understanding. - Psalm 111.10 I'm reading a most…

First, Be

July 27, 2010
First, Be July/Holiness 27 July 2010 As long as a person is unrighteous, he cannot properly proclaim the truth. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses..." - Acts 1.8…

Self First

July 26, 2010
Self First July/Holiness 26 July 2010 When is one capable of bearing witness on behalf of the souls of others? When he is capable first of bearing witness on behalf of his own. When is he capable of correcting others? When he can first correct himself. - Colman mac Beognai,…
Pressing on to Holiness July/Holiness 22 July 2010 Anyone, then, who fears God, and loves Him, and does His will and keeps His commandments,will have honour among men here and blessedness with God beyond. - Colman man Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) Since we have these promises, beloved, let…

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