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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
He Created Angels June/Training for Mission 2 June 2010 He created the good that the goodness and majesty of the Trinity, in all the largesse of its munificence, might not be idle, but might have heavenly dignities in which, with a potent utterance, it could be mightily manifest. -…
Theology in Verse June/Training for Mission 1 June 2010 The exalted Creator, Ancient of Days, and Unbegotten One was without a first beginning, or a foundation; He is, and He will be for unending ages. His only-begotten Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are coeternal with Him in the everlasting glory…
Then and There, Here and Now May/Discipline 31 May 2010 "I think it right," said Columcille, "to tell thee a difficulty of our own." "What is this difficulty?" said Colman, "for there is no one to whom it were more fitting for us to refer any difficulty that we may…
Praying the Psalms May/Discipline 28 May 2010 When thou recitest thy canonical hours...recite them thyself leisurely...Every verse of them that thou recitest, expound their texts minutely; speak in thine own character exactly, and fix on them thine entire understanding; then thou shalt receive thy request from the King of the…
Recreation of Mind and Heart May/Discipline 27 May 2010 Colman was brought to them, and he preached to them. And he sent a message to his assisting friends...And these clerks (clerics) began their preaching, and they had fair Latin books with them, and they recited their reading clearly, and praised…
Practicing Heaven on Earth May/Discipline 26 May 2010 One day holy Brigit needed to attend a gathering of the people for a compelling practical reason, and she sat in her chariot, which was drawn by two horses. As she sat in the vehicle, she practiced on earth the life of…
The Direction of Souls May/Discipline 25 May 2010 This woman therefore grew in exceptional virtues and by the fame of her good deeds drew to herself from all the provinces of Ireland inestimable numbers of people of both sexes...Her concern was to provide for the orderly direction of souls in…
Make Your Confession May/Discipline 24 May 2010 Brigit said to Brendan: "Make thy confession." "I declare," said he, "that I never crossed seven furrows without turning my mind to God. Make thy confession," said Brendan. "I confess," said Brigit, "that since I first fixed my mind on God, I have…
Make Your Confession May/Discipline 24 May 2010 Brigit said to Brendan: "Make thy confession." "I declare," said he, "that I never crossed seven furrows without turning my mind to God. Make thy confession," said Brendan. "I confess," said Brigit, "that since I first fixed my mind on God, I have…
Search and See May/Discipline 21 May 2010 When they came to land, each of them kissed the other, and the elder wept greatly for his exceeding joy. "Search and see," said he, "the borders and regions of Paradise, where will be found health without sickness, pleasure without contention, union without…
Good to Be Here May/Discipline 20 May 2010 One day when Brendan and his company were traversing and searching the sea, they happened upon the little country which they had been seeking for seven years, to wit, the Land of Promise; as it says in the proverb, "He that seeketh…
Servants of God's Servants May/Discipline 19 May 2010 "And the first day that I came here there came to me an animal, called otter, and brought me a fish, and a hearth-flint to make a fire withal...And the same messenger would come to me every third day with this refection..."…
Dead Skins May/Discipline 18 May 2010 "Ah, dearly beloved son, why didst thou go on thy journey without taking counsel with me? For the country which thou art seeking from God, ye will never find on these dead soft skins, for it is a holy consecrated land..." - Anonymous, Vita…
The Word in Creation May/Discipline 17 May 2010 And when they sat down to table, a bird alighted that moment on the prow of the ship, and made music sweet as an organ with its wings, beating them on the sides of the boat. And Brendan perceived that it was…
A Fellowship of Grace May/Discipline 14 May 2010 Brendan and the brethren remained for this period in the island...And when this time was fulfilled, Brendan bade farewell to the abbot and the brethren there, and went to his boats... - Anonymous, Vita Brendani (Irish, 12th century, from an earlier ms.)…

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