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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Souls Overflowing

With Jesus, of course.

To Fill All Things (2)

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. John 7.37-39

Got it, getting it
This morning, while we were registering for something or other, the woman taking our information asked us our preferred language. “English,” Susie said, obviously enough.

Of course, English. We were born in an English-speaking country, learned English as children, and have spoken it in a wide variety of contexts for over 70 years. I’ve written millions of words of English, even some which were sufficiently well-crafted and assembled to have been brought to publication for others to consider.

And yet, here I am, with all 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary on my work table; I’m reading Steven Pinker’s The Sense of Style in order to learn how to make better use of the English language; and I depend on my wife, Susie, to review everything I write to improve my use of the English tongue.

It’s clear that, where English is concerned, I’ve got it. But I continue working to get it.

That’s the way it is with Jesus.

The mind—and soul—of Christ
Jesus is filling the world with Himself. This includes you and me, and this filling of us is the work of Jesus’ Spirit, beginning within us, in that spiritual component of our existence which we call the soul. The soul of every person who believes in Jesus is indwelt by the Spirit of Jesus. He is there. We’ve got Him. And God wants Him to fill us to overflowing.

But we’re still just beginning to get Him.

Let me explain. The soul consists of three interacting, overlapping, inter-related spiritual components: the heart, the mind, and the conscience. What Paul says about our minds is also true about our hearts and our consciences. Paul says we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2.16).

OK, I got that. But I’m still just getting it.

I have the mind of Christ, but I don’t always think with the mind of Christ. At the same time, I have the new heart which the Spirit of Christ gives me (Ezek. 36.26, 27), but I don’t always love the way Christ does. I’ve got His heart, but I’m still getting it.

And He has redeemed my conscience—the seat of the will—from dead works (Heb. 9.14) so that He is now at work within me helping me to will and do what pleases Him (Phil. 2.13). I have the conscience of Christ, but I’m still just getting it.

Christ’s filling all things with Himself begins within the souls of those who believe in Him. As we yield our minds, hearts, and consciences to Him—learning to think, feel, and will as He guides us in His Word—His Spirit “stretches out” within us and fills us so that, increasingly, the person we used to be in our souls is now becoming the person Christ is making us to be.

Jesus Christ is in us, and from within, by His Spirit and Word, He is filling us with Himself, transforming us into His own image (2 Cor. 3.12-18).

Life overflowing
We know this is happening. We see evidence of it all the time. We are thinking new thoughts. Overcoming negative attitudes and learning to love others more. Old things that we willed with a vengeance no longer hold their thrall, and we find ourselves increasingly willing to obey the Lord within us whatever He requires.

The more this occurs, the more we are transformed in our souls into the image of Jesus Christ—mind, heart, and conscience. And the more we are transformed within our souls, the more consistently we will experience what Jesus promised: His true, refreshing, life-giving spiritual presence welling up, overflowing, and spilling out into all our words and deeds.

And thus He works to fill our world with Himself.

Jesus is working from within our souls to fill our souls with Himself. Are we participating in this project with Him? Do we long for the day when that river of living water will flow effortlessly from within us, to bless and renew everyone and everything? Or are we content merely to have, as it were, the 20 volumes of the OED, rich with their glorious verbal and linguistic potential, sitting on the desk of our soul, never used?

Devote yourself mind, heart, and conscience to Jesus. Seek Him within; submit all your thoughts, affections, values, and priorities to Him. And rejoice as He fills you with Himself, and all the spaces, places, and time of your life with rivers of living spiritual water.

For reflection
1. What would you point to as evidence that Christ lives in you?

2. Isn’t that exciting? In what areas of your life would you like to be more filled with Jesus?

3. What can you do to see more of Jesus welling up and overflowing from within you?

Next steps—Transformation: Today, identify one thing you can do to know more of Jesus filling your soul. Begin doing it every day.

T. M. Moore

Right now, from His throne in heaven, Jesus is filling all things with Himself. How is He doing that? Order a copy of our book, What in Heaven Is Jesus Doing on Earth? to learn more. Click here for the book or here for the PDF.

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Except as indicated, all Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

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