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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium


December 5, 2017
There is power in Jesus' Word, as we remember it.
It's a rocky road, but we must walk it.
They hated Him; they'll hate us.
When the Spirit comes, we'll know.

Word Conscious

December 1, 2017
Are we conscious of living in the Word of God?
They hated Jesus; they'll hate us. Big deal.

If Only!

November 29, 2017
Jesus talked about sin, and so must we.
They know Him, but they don't know Him. So they persecute Him.

Get Used to It

November 27, 2017
The world hated Jesus; it will hate His friends.

Chosen Friends

November 26, 2017
Jesus has made us His friends. Let's not squander the privilege.

How to Love

November 25, 2017
Chosen, appointed, commanded.
Jesus has befriended us for a purpose.

Friends of Jesus

November 23, 2017
God defines the terms of friendship.
Jesus sets the standard for love.

For Joy

November 21, 2017
Jesus has got the joy, and He gives His joy to us!

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